"She's renting it," Alex said.

"That's because she can't afford the property taxes. She comes by to visit occasionally. She's a physical therapist in Portland, the last I knew. She's holding onto it until she can afford to live in it. She used to live there in the winter, but now she rents it out in the winter too. Sorry Alex, but you got bad information on that one."

He was disappointed, but he always knew his quest wouldn't be easy. He didn't have a reason to be in a rush to find a new house, but it was something that kept his mind off the thing he shouldn't be thinking of. Of course, that thing was right in front of him. He tried to avoid looking at Jen for too long as Megan talked to them about the party plans.

Alex said, "My brother is coming, but my sister hasn't confirmed yet."

Megan was excited. "Oh good! I can't wait to meet him. Do you look alike?"

Before Alex could answer, Jen said, "I think they do. Kind of."

"Wait. How do you know his brother?" Jen started laughing and Megan asked, "What's so funny?"

"Tom is dating my friend Avery!" Jen gave Megan the abbreviated version of the story.

"So you already knew Alex's brother. I thought New York was a big city!"

"It is, but I didn't know him. He knew who I was. We had one conversation a while ago, but I didn't know his name."

"Too bad he hit on Avery and not you, because then you'd have another tie to Maine."

Alex was ready to stop the discussion because even hypothetical the thought of his brother hitting on Jen didn't sit easily with him. He remembered his reaction when he looked at the picture of her kissing his cheek.

Jen said, "He wouldn't because he had no way to know I wasn't happily married."

Megan commented, "Alex knows."

"Yes, and Peter too." Jen smiled.

"I know. I'm sorry, but I haven't told Kristi."

"Good!" Alex spoke up and Megan laughed.

Jen explained, "Now that my parents know it's not that big of a deal. I just don't want all of Manhattan to find out. So hopefully Sydney won't get wind of it this summer."

Alex understood that this potential divorce could affect her business. She would be fine because her talent was more important to her success than her personal life. The fact she told her parents meant she was serious. He was mentally pinning everything on her divorce, but he couldn't change the fact she'd be in New York and he'd be here.

Later she called him. He was hoping she would. "Are you in your little room?"

"No, I'm back working. Are you watching baseball?"

"No, I had to meet with my new renovation clients. They're driving me crazy. So you're at the house?"

"Yes, I love my parents, but I can't sit there and watch Wheel of Fortune."

Alex laughed thinking Hank was probably watching it too. Knowing it was not a good decision, he asked, "Can I see what you've done?"

"If you want. If you're sure."

If he was sure, what? Sure that he could keep his hands off her. Sure that he wouldn't do something he'd regret. He wasn't sure of any of those things. He was only sure that in a week and a half she'd be gone and he'd miss her.

He found her placing items in his built-ins. She turned and smiled at him, and he felt warm all over. He saw her hand shaking and thought she had to feel something too. With his hands shoved in his pockets, he walked around the first floor. As much as she'd done she had more work to do.

"One of my orders is delayed. I hope it comes by the end of next week. I have many others, I'm still waiting on. At home this would never be a full-time job."

"So you're taking it easy?"

He moved closer to her. Still, with his hands in his pockets, he had a strong desire to smell her hair. He took another step just as her phone rang. She turned to get it and practically bumped into him.

"Hello." It was not the cheerful way she answered when he called. He watched as she rolled her eyes. He listened to her one-sided conversation and decided it had to be her husband. "No, it won't be easy. Avery did... Really? You'll need to make the appointment for after I get back. Make it for right after Memorial Day. No, it's my reputation too. I want to be there. Maybe you should go home. That's your problem, my parents took the news fine. Listen, I'm still working. Gorgeous! The construction is the best quality, I've ever seen." She smiled at him. "There were three minor things on the punch list which is unheard of in this business." Now he thought, she was flirting as she was talking to her husband. He walked up to her with his hands still fisted in his pockets and stood close enough to smell her hair, but not touch. He breathed in and she smelled of flowers and freshness. It was wonderfully intoxicating. "What... sorry I was distracted. Yes, I'll be sending Lexi more pictures. I gotta go... Yeah, bye."

She looked up at him. Her eyes pierced through him. He knew with one movement he could kiss her, but she pivoted herself away and walked across the room. When she finally spoke, she said, "Sterling wants to meet with a publicist. Apparently, Avery gave him the idea."

"You really are getting a divorce." He finally believed it.

"Yes, he met with his attorney today. We really have very little to hash out... just some finances... no kids, no property. I couldn't care less about the apartment and its furnishings. I designed it to please him, not me."

Why would she be living in a home that wasn't aesthetically pleasing to her? How much of herself had she compromised and was that why things were not working out?

"Will you tell me what happened?"

"I can't. It's mortifying. You'll think less of me." She whispered.

"I could never think less of you," he said then realizing how intense they were, he smiled. "I could never think less of you than the way I felt the day we met."

She laughed, and the built-up sexual tension broke. "You know your new clients probably aren't even pains, it's probably just their builder."

"The builder that you said was gorgeous and did great quality work!"

"Oh, you heard that," she said slyly.

"You meant for me to hear." Je laughed.

"Did I?" She smirked. "But I said, the house, not the builder, was gorgeous!"

"I'm going before I say or do something I'll regret." He walked out the door.

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