6~ ????

32 2 1

****1 months later******

The days went by so quickly. I became very close to the boys like a younger or older sister. I never asked for there occupation. It wasn't my business.  All I knew was they would leave for several hours sometimes not coming till 3 am. Sometimes I would even wait for them. The days they don't work we went out and had fun. Yoongi would sometimes stare at me but I would ignore his intense stare. Everything seemed perfect until one text turned my life upside down.

???? : Hello 

I were surprised. The number was some how covered along with all the other information.

y/n: Who are you?

????: I'm a boy and the rest is not important. you will know someday.

I looked at my phone confused. I was tore between answering and blocking this so called boy. 

y/n: Okay so why do you want to talk to me?

????: because I want to. 

A smile spread across my lips. He was straight forward and seemed nice. I began thinking of who he was. A loud ring disrupted my thoughts. I ran towards the door opening it. The boys walked in they all seemed tired. Yoongi was missing. I greeted the boys and went to the kitchen breaking the rule Jin had put in hold.

No one enters the kitchen without him to cook! A crazy rule to me since I loved to cook. He didn't seem to notice since he was tired (much to my advantage). I began to cook while the boys went to their rooms to relax. I placed the food down on the table and called the boys down. I sat at the table and began eating as they began coming into the dinning room. I could only think of one person... who was he? Why did I even reply? 

"Y/N!!!" RM yelled snapping in front of my face.

"Yes?" you asked absently

"You okay?" he seemed worried

"Yeah I need some fresh air" I got up going to my room. I changed into a sweater and a pair of shorts. I opened the balcony door and stood outside looking at the buildings ahead ahead. I rested on the rail holding my phone in one hand listening to my music. Suddenly a loud ding interrupted my music came from my phone.

????: You look beautiful standing like that ;)

My mouth opened...How could he see me? I looked around but no one was there.

Y/n: Where are you?

????: I work in the music studio in front of your balcony. You okay?

Y/n: Yes and how come I can't see you but I can see me.

You gave a small pout on looking at the windows ahead. You never knew which one but you looked at every window.

????: Live with it. Don't pout you look strange.

I read his text and opened my mouth a little. I went inside and smacked my door shut. I sat on my bed with a large frown. "That was rude" I mumbled looking down.

????: I was kidding. I can still see you. You looked kind of cute.

With a sigh I placed my phone on the night stand before getting up and shutting the curtains. A loud ding came once again but this time I ignored my phone. I laid down on my  bed. Slowly, I began drifting off into space. I blushed once I remembered him calling me cute and beautiful.

He was truly something. A light knock appeared on my door. I was to distracted to notice a truly worried friend on the other side. Jungkook sighed leaving my door and slowly walking towards his room. Jimin looked at Jungkook as his head hung low. Jungkook got in his room and texted the person who knew her best. He knew something was wrong and no one new her better then One man: Min Yoongi.

****Moments later****

Jungkook laid back relaxed after he read the last message from Yoongi. He was thinking about what would happen if the accident hadn't happened? Would he be an uncle right now? Your connection was so strong both of you should have ten kids by now. If only he could get the man who hurt them all for so many years. See they all knew her before she introduced them.

She forgot that all even the moments they thought she would never forget. Jungkook still couldn't believe that her parents blamed all of them. They had to beg them to let Jungkook in to see her. He remembered how she cried in his embrace for the first time ever. She never cried or showed weakness in front of anyone but Yoongi. She was always there to support and help but never did she ask for help.


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