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Hwang Hyunjin

I woke up early to today and it's weekend. As I was eating some breakfast, I decided to call Jisung.

It take's several rings before he picks up.

"the hell do you want? don't you know it's fcking 7:00 in the morning?"  I chuckled as I heard his soothing yet irritated voice. I always loved his morning voice.

"good morning to you too sweetheart" I said and smiled although he can't see me. I heard some shuffling, I guess his getting up from bed.

"why'd you call? It's weekend we don't have classes" he said and I can tell that he's rolling his eyes right now.

"exactly. It's weekend! Let's go to the arcade today! It's been a while since we last go there"  I said excitedly hoping that he would agree.

"No. Im not planning to go out today. I need sleep"

"oh c'mon~ please ji? I'll buy you cheesecake"  I heard him gasped at the other line and I grinned.

"fine. Only because you're buying cheesecake. Happy now?" my smile grew wider.

"very! Be ready! I'll pick you up at 10:00"  I said and he muttered an 'okay' and hang up.

I headed to my room to take a shower. After taking a shower I fixed my hair and parted my bangs, showing a bit of my forehead. I put a pair of ripped jeans and a striped sweatshirt and tucked half of it to my jeans.

I looked at the time and saw that it was already 9:30 am. I grabbed my keys and my wallet and decided to pick jisung up a little bit earlier as I planned.

When I got to jisung's house I didn't expect to be welcome by a little boy. Not really little becuase he grew a lot taller than before.

"hyunjin hyung?" I smiled at Jinho and picks him up. He screamed asI tickled him. "s-stop!!" He stopped laughing as I putted him down.

"Do you miss me?" I asked him and he nodded. "aweee~ I miss you too you big baby!" I pinched his cheeks and winced a little.

"come in hyung~" he said and dragged me inside. He make me sit at the sofa and sat beside me. "where have you been hyung? Sungie hyung and I missed you so much" he pouted and crossed his arms.

"I missed you both so much. Hyung had to fixed some things that's why I was gone for so long. But doesn't matter now right? What matters is Im back and you have someone to play with!" I smiled at him and ruffled his hair.

"you're never going to leave sungie hyung again?" he said and I was taken a back a bit. His looking at me with hopeful eyes so I pulled him closer to me and hugged him.

"nope. Never" I said and his face lit up. I smiled as he hugged me back. I pulled away and I saw a grin planted on his face. "Now where's ji?" I askes him.

"he's in his room. He's getting ready. Should I call him now hyung?" he stood up and I nodded. " Yes please"

I played with my phone as I was waiting for jisung. I heard a knock on the door and I stood up to check who it is. I was met with a fox looking boy grinning widely.

"Jeongin?" I asked confused. I opened the door fully to let him in. He sat at he sofa and I stared at him with my arms crossed. "Yep, that's me!" he said and strike a pose.

"what are you doing here?" I furrowed my eyebrows as I stood in front of him.

"I thought we're going to the arcade?"  he asked and blink his eyes.

"we?" I asked completely confused.As far as I know I didn't even him? My thoughts got interupted when I heard someone spoked behind me.

"I see. You're already here hyunjin. I hope you don't mind that I invited jeongin? He called me a while ago amd asked me If I want to hang out but I said I'm going to arcade with you but I can't leave jeongin alone so I invited him" He grinned and I can't bring to myself to argue with him anymore.

"Yeah sure. That's not really a big deal" I smiled at jisung and let out a forced laugh. I turned to jeongin and glared at him a little but he just putted a peace sign and smiled widely. This kid always ruining our moment.

"Let's get going then?" jisung asked excitedly and I smiled "Sure let's go" I headed out and started the car with jisung and jeongin following behind. We decided to dropped jinho at his friends house before going to the mall. This is gonna be a long rideeee.


I know I said I was going to update on saturday but oh well😂

I survived the first day of our exam and tomorrow is our second day so wish me luck!

Y'all have a nice day/night!💕

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