Chapter 47

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I walked around the yard. It was lightly snowing. I loved the feeling of winter. It was the time of celebration. I was always around loved one even during the dark times of the year. They could never take away the celebrations of holidays from us.

"Hermione are you alright?" Harry asked coming up to me.

"I will be. It's just different now." I told him.

Harry wrapped his arms around me and we just stood there. Ron came up to us and he placed a hand on my shoulder. I gave him a hug and we walked back to the house. I was so lucky that I had these two in my life.

"Hi Hermione." A voice said behind me.

I turned around to see Carsen in the room. I gave George a look and he had a same look as Angela. Angela came over to me and asked,

"Carsen what are you doing here?"

"I invited her."

I turned to the door and saw Fred standing there. He walked over to Carsen and placed his arm around her. She leaned into him and he placed a kiss on her forehead. I felt a pain in my chest. I did not know what to think. George came up behind me and said,

"What is your problem?"

"What do you mean?" Fred asked.

"He means Carsen and you." Angela stated.

"You mean my girlfriend." Fred stated.

I could not stand hearing those words. I ran out of the house and did not look back. I heard my name being called from the house. I did not turn around. I heard footsteps behind me, but I did not care. I got to the apparition point and I thought of only one place to go.

I landed in front of a little cottage. I heard my name and I turned to see Draco standing there. He gave me a hug and then looked at me with worried eyes.

"Hermione are you alright?" Draco asked.

"Draco sweetie, who is...... Miss Granger." Narssica said in surprise.

"I was wondering if I could stay here for rest of winter break?" I asked.

"Of course, dear." Narssica said.

Draco pulled me aside and we talked about how our winter break has been going. I thought it was sweet of Draco to not ask anything about why I was upset. I sighed and then said,

"You can ask Draco."

"What happened? I thought you were happy with Fred." Draco asked.


But I was interrupted by Narssica coming in. She had this look and I knew something happened. She did not even have to say anything. Draco took my hand and we apparated to the Burrow. Ginny ran up to me and I could see she was bruised up.

"What happened?" I asked scared.

"We are all alright. We captured them all, but Fred got hurt." Ginny said.

I ran into the house and looked around. Right there on the couch was Fred. He was laying there. Everyone was around him. Carsen was sitting by him all smothering. Molly tried to get near him, but Carsen wouldn't let her.

I cam over and ripped her off Fred. I gave Molly a nodded and she went over to her son to take care of him. Carsen got out of my grip and gave me a look.

"What do you think you are doing?" Carsen asked me pissed.

"What I'm doing! Don't you mean you. That is his mother. She needs to take care of him." I spatted at her.

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