Chapter 25

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Hermione woke up the next morning looking around her room. She sighed and everything from last night came back to memory. She could not believe that she had kissed Draco. She did not know what this all mean. She got up and got ready for her classes. Hermione walked out of her room and heard Draco in his room. She did not pause, she quickly went downstairs and out of their common room.

She felt two arms around her shoulders and looked up and saw Fred and George. Hermione smiled at them and said,

"How may I help you two?"

"Oh you know. Just with a little schema." George said.

"It's time Mione. Lets go." Fred said dragging her to the kitchen.

It only took a few minutes to get the prank ready. Hermione walked into the Great Hall with the twins. She looked at the Gryffindor table and saw Draco sitting there talking to Harry. She looked over and saw Ginny with the Pansy at the Slytherin's table. Hermione said her good bye to the twins and headed over to see the girls.

"Hey you two." Hermione said sitting down right next to Blaise.

"Hey, where have you been? Draco said you have left the common room early but you were not here. So where did you go off to?" Pansy asked.

I smiled and just said,

"I had some things to take care of. Don't worry."

All three of them looked at Hermione in confusion. They continued to eat and all of a sudden you could hear screaming coming from all different directions of the room. Everyone's skin and hair was changing color. She looked over to Blaise and started to laugh. His hair was bright pink and skin was lemon yellow.

People were laughing at their friends and themselves. Hermione was laughing and smiled toward Fred and George. Fred winked at Hermione and pointed toward the head table. You could see the teachers have changed colors. The teachers were colors of the school. McGonagall was green skin and gold hair. McGonagall stood up and said,

"I guess we all know who the culprit of this was. Mr. Weasleys bravo for a big welcome back."

Fred and George stood up and took a bow. Hermione smiled at them and just sat there with a smile. Hermione, Fred, and George were the only ones that did not change color because they did not touch anything that they tampered with. Fred stood up on the bench and said,

"We did not do this alone and we feel that this person should get some recognition for their part. Mione you better stand up."

You could see the shock in everyone's faces. Some people gasped or started to whisper. Hermione stood up and winked at the twins.

"You just got pranked by the brightest witch of all our times." Fred said smiling.

No one knew what to say. But all you could hear was cheering from the students. They were all impressed that Hermione was helping the Weasley twins with their pranks. Everyone was dismissed from the Great Hall and headed to class. Hermione walked with Fred and George. They were smiling and laughing as everyone walked by. The color was slowly wearing off of everyone.

"You are evil Hermione. I did not know you had it in you." Harry said walking up to them with Draco and Blaise.

"Well, I guess we both learned something about myself this year so far." Hermione said smiling.

"When did you have interest in pranks?" Draco asked.

"Well, I have been helping out the twins with their joke shop for over a summer. I got to know these two dorks and I saw in their eyes that they were having trouble figuring out a prank. So something in me just had to help." Hermione explained to Draco.

"We call that your inner prankster Granger." George said putting his arm around Hermione's shoulder.

They all walked to Potions class and sat down near each other. Professor Slughorn came in and his hair was still blue and his skin had some tint of silver on it. Everyone started to laugh and Slughorn smiled at them all. He looked at Fred, George, and Hermione and said,

"That was impressive you three. Was it some type of potion?"

"Yes, it is. We altered the beautification potion for the skin to change color and then combined and altered a little bit of manegro potion with screaming snake hair potion to change the hair color." Hermione explained.

"That was genius. It was very impressive of all three of you. Ten points to Gryffindor for those successful experiments." Slughorn said.

Hermione smiled and looked over to Fred and George. They folded their hands behind their heads and leaned back in their chairs in success. Hermione snickered at them. They began class and was partnered up to do confusing concoction potion. Hermione was partnered with Draco. She was focusing on the potion and trying to ignore Draco when he started to talk about last night.

"Hermione, did you hear me?" Draco asked.

"What? Sorry, no. What did you say?" Hermione asked.

"Well, I was talking to Headmistress McGonagall and she said that we can show her the plans during lunch." Draco explained.

"Alright, that sounds fine." Hermione said helping Draco finish up the potion.

They were the first one done and handed it into Professor Slughorn. He let us leave early and we started to head down to our common room. Once we got in there, Draco looked at Hermione and said,

"Can we talk about last night?"

"What about last night?" Hermione asked trying to act confused.

"I want to talk about the kiss." Draco said stuttering.

Hermione sighed and sat down on the couch. Draco followed and sat down right beside her. They sat there quietly and Hermione said,

"Draco, I think I understand. It was the heat of the moment and we both were tired. I think of you as a brother. Nothing more, I think you feel the same way."

"Hermione, you are the most wonderful girl in the world. I don't know how you do it but you can just figure everything out within minutes. I do care for you but in a loving sister way. What happened last night was an accident and I hope that you are not hurt that I don't look at you that way." Draco told Hermione.

"Draco, you are so sweet and caring. You are going to make one girl the happiest girl in the world. I am relieved that you do not like me that way. You are a great friend and a great partner to work with." Hermione said smiling. She gave Draco a hug and they started to get everything together for their meeting with McGonagall.

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