Chapter 41

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I woke up with heavy breathing. I looked up and saw that Fred and I was still in the common room. I smiled to myself. I tried to get up but I could not move. He had his arm wrapped around me. I sighed and then whispered.

"Fred, time to wake up."

He tried to roll over but there was not a lot of room. I then fell of the couch. I made a loud thud and then made a huffing sound. Fred jumped up and then looked down. He gave me a grin and then said,

"Hermione are you alright?"

He helped me up and looked at me in the eyes. I looked at him with a glare. I was trying to be mad at him but it was hard not to. He was too cute. I gave him a smile and then said,

"You made me fall. You are such a big lug."

"I am sorry Mione. I didn't mean to make you fall. I hope you can forgive me." He said with a sly grin.

I gave him a shy smile and said,

"I forgive you."

He looked around and then realized it was morning. I made a laugh and said,

"Yeah, we fell asleep here."

I walked out into the hall. Before the door closed I saw Fred was still standing there. I smiled to myself and went back to the head dorm room. I walked into my common room and looked around. Draco must have been still asleep. I sat down on the couch and sighed. I thought about everything that happened. I heard footsteps and then saw Draco coming down. He looked like a mess.

"Morning." I told him.

"Morning. Did you just get back?" He asked.

I nodded and said,

"I was studying in Gryffindor common room and fell asleep there."

He nodded and ended it at that. He went to get some coffee and something to eat.

*Fred's POV*

I stood there for a few minutes. I smiled to myself. I thought about last night and remember how nice it was. I walked up to my room and tried not to wake George up but that was not going to happen. He looked up from his bed and said,

"Late night brother?"

I sighed and said,

"Fell asleep in the common room."

"Would a special witch have fallen asleep with you?" He asked with a smile.

I nodded and grinned back at him. I knew right there that I have strong feelings for Hermione Granger. I had to do something about it. But I did not know how. I had to plan to ask her out. This was going to be my time to get the girl.

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