Chapter 8

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Hermione looked at Ginny not knowing what to say about that question. She didn't know what Ginny meant by saying, 'Is there something going on between you and Fred?' She never thought about it. Hermione know that her feelings for the twins and Angelia have grown but she was not sure in that specific way. Hermione did care for Fred and know that he cared for her. But she doesn't think there is anything more.

"No, I don't think so. I care for Fred as much as I care for any of my friends and family." Hermione said.

"Alright, but I don't think I believe you." Ginny said smirking at Hermione.

"How are things between you and Harry?" Hermione changed the subject.

"We are good. I am so excited that I get to go to school with him and we can graduate together." Ginny said bouncing onto her bed.

Hermione smiled and laughed at Ginny's e excitement. She has never seen Ginny this excited about anything except for when Harry and she got together for the first time. Hermione could not believe that she was going back to Hogwarts, the one place that she could call home except for the Weasley twin's apartment. She was going back to a place where all her friends were and got to finish her schooling, since last year she was on the run with Harry and Ron, then the battle happening that year also. Hermione was wondering who was going to be head boy and girl this year.

"Hermione? Hermione? Come back from la la land!" Ginny said snapping her fingers.

Hermione smiled towards Ginny and giggled. Both girls started to giggle and soon it was a giggling fest. They were laughing so hard that they could barely breathe. This was one thing she missed doing with Ginny.

September 1- Hogwarts Express

Hermione walked onto the platform of the platform 9 ¾ to get to the Hogwarts express. She was ready to go back to Hogwarts. Hermione know that she was going to miss Fred and George a lot but she will see them over Christmas break. Hermione walked around looking for her friends, she did not know where Fred and George went. They told her that they were going to look for their parents. Hermione looked around and found a bunch of red hair people sticking out of the crowd. Hermione walked over to them and saw Fred and George talking to Harry. Hermione cleared her voice and said,

"Thanks for leaving me guys."

Fred turned around and smiled at Hermione with the famous flirty smile he always has on when it came to Hermione.

"We're sorry love. But we thought you were right behind us."

Hermione just shook her head and smiled toward Harry. Hermione greeted all the Weasley and notice that there was one missing.

"Where is Ron?" Hermione asked.

"He is already on the train." Mrs. Weasley said. "And all of you should get on before you miss it."

Hermione, Harry, and Ginny all said their good byes to the Weasley and promised to write. Hermione followed Harry and Ginny to a compartment that was nearly half way full. As they all sat down her notice that Neville, Luna and Ron was already in there.

"How are you Luna? How was your summer Neville?" Hermione asked both of them.

"I am good Hermione. How are you? Are you happy to be coming back?" Luna asked.

"My summer was great. How about you're?" Neville said in response.

"I am good. Yes, Luna I am so happy to be going back to Hogwarts. And Neville my summer was good as well. I got to work at the Weasley's shop the last few months of summer." Hermione told them.

Everyone one was talking about their summers and sharing stories. Then there was a tap at the window. Hermione opened it to let the owl come in. There was a letter on the owl's leg that had the name written on it. The name said, "Hermione".

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