Chapter 24

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Fred and George turned around to see Hermione standing there smiling at them. Fred smirked back. Since they have got to know Hermione, she has helped them create product at the store. She was one of the brains of the ideas. They counted her as a trustful friend at the shop.

"What are you going on about Hermione?" George asked confused.

"Boys, think about it. You are thinking about it too hard. Like you told me, 'Do not over think it. If you think it's good then it's good. If it does not end out how you want it to be then work on it. Just take it one step at a time.' You boys are just back at school. You have been running a business. It's different than just making pranks." Hermione explained walking into the room.

She picked up some of the papers and looked at them. She nodded and put them down. Fred looked at George and looked toward Hermione confused. She sat down in front of them and looked at them in silence. George smiled and grabbed some of the papers and started to work from the start. We went back to the beginning and started over again.

"Alright, let's think about this Freddie. What is our outcome of this prank?" George asked.

"Well, we want to," Fred started to say then looked at Hermione. She was still sitting there and listening in.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"We are unsure if you should be here while we create our prank." George said trying to figure out the nicest way to tell her that they were unsure that she was going to stop their prank before they could even start it.

"If I am going to help then I am staying. That is final." Hermione said looking at the different papers.

George eye brow raised and looked at Fred. Fred just shrugged. He was impressed at Hermione. She kept surprising them every day. They started to get to work. After a while they were finished. The plan was ready and Fred and George were excited to do this prank. They both looked at Hermione and smiled.

"Don't mess this up. Or I will make sure that everyone knows that the great Weasley Twins screwed up a prank." Hermione said getting up to leave with a grin.

She was glad to help them out. George glanced at Fred and Fred got up to catch up to her. Hermione was just about to leave when Fred grabbed her arm. Hermione turned around to face Fred.

"What is it Fred?" Hermione asked.

"Where do you think you are going?" Fred asked smiling.

"I was going to let you two get your prank ready." Hermione explained.

"No, you are staying with us to help us. You put your input into this prank and you are going to help see it through." Fred said with a smile.

Hermione was surprised. She could not believe that the twins wanted her to do the prank with them. She looked at George and he was smiling. He nodded in agreement. Hermione's smile turned into a huge grin. She was excited to help them out.

"Are you sure?" Hermione asked.

"We are one hundred percent positive." Fred said leading her back to the chairs.

"You have surprised us so much today Granger. I have never thought that you would be a little jokester." George said laughing.

Hanging out with Fred and George was like the old times at the shop with them. Hermione had a great day with them. She headed back to the head common room and saw Draco there waiting. She sat down next to him.

"What are you doing?" Hermione asked.

"I was just doing some homework. Where have you been?" Draco said.

"I have been hanging with the Fred and George." Hermione said smiling.

"You look very happy about that. What happened?" Draco asked smirking.

"Don't think that dirty. Nothing happened. We were just hanging out like old times sake like when I was with them at the shop over summer." Hermione said.

Hermione looked at the papers on the table. They were not for any class that Hermione have seen. She looked closer and saw that there was notes and things about Ron. Hermione raised an eye brow and looked toward Draco and said,

"Homework really?"

"Kind of, it's homework on trying to find out what you have told me. I was walking back to the common room and I heard talking but I did not get to see who it was. I think it was something to do with Ron but I just don't know what." Draco explained.

Hermione sighed and sat down. She did not know what to do. This was one of her best friends since first year. She has been through so much with him. She did not know what to do about it. He has not been the same since the ending of the war. She was starting to worry about him.

"What's wrong Hermione?" Draco asked.

"I am just confused. I don't want to think that Ron is doing something bad but at the same time I know that something is going on." Hermione said whipping a tear away.

Draco rubbed her back and she leaned onto his shoulder. She was worried about this all and did not know what to do. But she knew that she just had to take it one step at a time. Hermione sighed and sat up straight. She grabbed all of the papers and put them aside. Draco looked at her confusing.

"We are going to not worry about it right now. Let's focus on something that is more important. We have to show Headmistress McGonagall our progress with the dance. I think it is ready to be set up and shown tomorrow. Let get everything together and know what we are going to be talking about." Hermione said smiling grabbing the folder of their papers for the dance.

They started to work on it quietly and then Draco asked,

"Aren't you worried?"

"Worried about what?" Hermione asked not even looking at him.

"Of what is going to happen in the future." Draco said with a sigh.

Hermione put her papers down and looked at him. She was confused on what he was talking about. Yeah, she knows that the future is an unknown thing but she just looked forward toward it hoping that everything was going to be alright.

"I just take it one day at a time. I really don't try to think about the future in general but it does creep up on me sometimes but I always think that it will turn out for the best for me." Hermione said.

Draco smiled at Hermione. They took a break from the dance paperwork and just talked about anything and everything. Hermione learned so much about Draco. She looked at the clock and saw that it was already two in the morning and they had classes tomorrow. Hermione got up and Draco followed her. They walked up the stair together and she faced him. Draco looked at Hermione and said,

"Good night or morning. Whatever you want to call it."

Hermione laughed at it and smiled,

"Good night and morning Draco."

She leaned in to give him a hug and then he leaned in to kiss her. Their lips touched and they did not say anything. Both of their eyes grew wide and Hermione ran right into her room without saying anything to Draco. She leaned against her door and felt like screaming. She did not know what just happened.

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