Chapter 18

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Hermione left the room and went to her dorm room to give the boys some privacy. Fred watched Hermione leave. Harry started to laugh at that. Fred turned around and asked,

"What is so funny?"

"You mate." Harry stated.

"What are you talking about?" Fred asked confused.

"You are hopeless. Don't you think boys?" Harry asked looking toward Draco, George, and Blaise.

"Yeah, I should know. He is my twin. He has been like this since she moved in with us. They have grown close to each other. I think she knows him more than me and I am his twin. I should know everything about him." George teased his twin.

Draco laughed at them. Blaise just sat there in awkwardness. He did not know that Fred also liked Hermione. But no one knew that he liked her also. Draco noticed that Blaise was acting different now. He got up and tapped his friend on the shoulder. Blaise followed Draco to the kitchen.

"What is the matter dude?" Draco asked.

"It's nothing." Blaise quickly said. That was a lie, was not happy that there was someone else that liked him and that it was a Weasley. If Hermione had to choose between him or a Weasley she would choose them any day. Blaise had no chance over a Weasley.

"Blaise I know that there is something wrong. Talk to me mate." Draco said.

"Alright. I don't know if you know this or not but I like Hermione Granger. But I did not know that the Weasley likes her too." Blaise said.

"So what if a Weasley likes her? What is the matter with that?" Draco asked.

"It's just that if she had to pick between him or me. She would pick him over me any day." Blaise stated the facts.

"You do not know that. She had changed and she is not the same girl we thought she was. You do not know if she would pick you or not. Plus she told me that she thinks of him as a brother." Draco stated.

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