Chapter 20

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Hermione woke up with the sun shining into her eyes. She looked around and saw that she was late. She was not use to waking up late. Even though it was the weekend she had a lot to do today. Today was the first of Hogsmeade trips. Hermione slowly went down the stairs and she saw that no one was in the common room. Hermione wondered what time it was right now, she knows that she missed breakfast but was it lunch yet.

Hermione walked down to the Great Hall and saw four Slytherins sitting at Gryffindor table. That was a shocker to her. She slowly walked to the table and Draco, Theo, Blaise, and Pansy were sitting there. Hermione was use to Pansy sitting with them during lunch but never Draco, Blaise, or Theo. Hermione looked at that three boys and said,

"What are you doing here?"

They all looked at Hermione just noticing that she was there. Draco smiled at her and said,

"Well, since we are all about unity, we thought it was time that we sat with our friends, dear Mione."

As Draco said Mione, Fred flinched. He was the only one that called her that. It was weird for Hermione to hear someone else call her Mione. She ignored the feeling for now and sat down with the others. She turned to Draco and said,

"Why did you not wait me up? You know that I have a lot of work to do today."

"Well, I thought you would like to catch up on your sleep since you are always up late doing things for your head duties." Draco stated.

Everyone looked at Hermione and then George spoke up,

"You are at it again? Didn't Freddie and I tell you that you need to stop that?"


"No, well Mione. You need your sleep and it was a good thing Draco here did not wake you up early. What times do you go to bed?" Fred asked.

"Not that late." Hermione said.

"Lies, you have been up past two sometimes three in the morning." Draco snitched out.

Fred and George gave Hermione a stern look that they would always give her at the shop sometimes. Hermione looked down at her food and did not look at them. Harry spoke up and asked,

"Wait, she has done this before?"

"Yes. She has done this for years. I can't you have not realized it. She has stayed up for hours on end without sleep since fifth year I think. Maybe it was fourth year." George stated.

"It was fourth year Georgie. She did it always at the shop. When we three would start a new project she would stay up on ends and try to figure out what we did wrong with the project." Fred said looking straight at Hermione. "She just wants to try and make sure that everything is right. Also make sure that everyone is safe and happy. She gives so much and does not care what is in return as long as everyone is happy and health."

Hermione smiled at what Fred said. Both twins have been there for her during her nightmares. Harry and Ron did not know about her nightmares. She would stay up on ends of the night trying not to sleep because of the nightmares. Sometimes the dreamless potion would work but sometimes the nightmares still came through.

Fred and George found her one day in the back of the shop at night working on a project that failed that morning. Hermione had just had a nightmare and she could not go back to sleep. Since that night Fred and George was there when she had a nightmare. They would stay up with her until she would be able to go back to sleep.

"Was it anther one?" Fred asked Hermione.

"Yeah it was." Hermione said quietly so that Fred and George would be the only one that could hear her.

"Another what?" Harry asked concerned.

Hermione looked from Fred and George. They did not know what they should say. Hermione sighed and nodded and Fred said,

"Mione, has been having horrible nightmares since the war maybe even before that." Fred started and he just looked Hermione the whole time.

"Freddie and I stayed up with her when she had these nightmares when she stayed with us at our place." George finished explaining.

"How come I did not know that?" Draco asked.

"I put up a silencing charm on my room so that you could not hear me." Hermione explained. "Before you say anything Harry, the reason I did not tell you was because I know that you already had too much to worry about. I did not want to add on to it by telling you my problems." Hermione explained.

Harry got up from where he was sitting across from Hermione and walked around the table. He gave her a hug and whispered in her ear. Hermione smiled at Harry and thanked him. Fred eyed Hermione and knew to ask her later. Harry then sat down right by Hermione and said,

"Who's ready for Hogsmeade trip?"

"This is the first Hogsmeade trip. The first one is always the best one." Ginny said.

"Yeah, that reminds me. Draco, since we are now Heads it is our responsibility to make sure that everyone gets back to the castle on time. So when it is time for them to leave we have to make a patrol on to see if everyone is gone." Hermione stated.

Draco just nodded and they went on with their day. Everyone meet to go to the entrance hall. The four Slytherins and four Gryffindors headed down to Hogsmeade. Hermione was going to let all of her worries not bother her today. She was going to have fun at Hogsmeade with her friends.

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