Chapter 27

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Mrs. Weasley turned to her son and looked at him shocked. She could not believe that her son just said that to Hermione. Yes, she knows that sometimes they get in an argument and with everything that happened this summer between those two. She just thought that they were in a disagreement.

"Ronald Billius Weasley, how dare you talk to your friend like that!" Mrs. Weasley said looking at her son in disappointment and shock.

"Like what? I am only speaking the truth to a traitor not a friend mother." Ron said smirking.

Mrs. Weasley did not know what to say she was shocked. Mr. Weasley spoke up and said,

"I don't care if you two are not friends anymore but you should not speak to anyone like that. We rose you better than that. I don't know who this is right now but you are not my son."

Ron laughed and said,

"Well I have seen something different then what you see mother and father. I am a different man now."

Ron walked away and did not look back. Mrs. Weasley wrapped her arms around Hermione and whispered to her,

"I don't know what have gotten into him but don't worry about it. You have other things to deal with instead of my son."

Hermione nodded and get her things. She came down the stairs and saw all her closest friends standing in the common room. She smiled to them all and Ginny, Luna, and Pansy ran to her to give her a hug.

"Everything is going to be alright. I promise Hermione." Ginny said letting go.

"Thanks girls." Hermione said walking over to look at the guys. She smiled when she saw Blaise, Draco, and Theo were looking uneasy a little bit. Hermione laughed at them and said,

"I thought you got over being surrounded by Gryffindors?"

"Haha Hermione. It's more like why is it always that we Slytherins are outnumbered by kit- lions." Draco paused to correct himself before he insulted the Gryffindors.

"Well, I guess that is what we get for turning a leaf to goodness." Blaise said with a smirk.

"Maybe we should go back to the dark side and just turn Hermione to the dark side." Theo said with an evil grin.

"Yeah, good luck with that. Hermione be evil. I would love to see that." Harry said with a laugh.

Hermione laughed with them. She gave each guy a hug goodbye. She walked up to the twins and gave them each a hug. Fred leaned over and whispered to her,

"Don't worry about Ron. Everything will be alright. See you when you come back. Keep in contact, okay."

Hermione nodded and walked out with them all. They walked her to the front of the school. Everyone was saying good bye to Hermione and that they are sorry for her loose. The news of her parents being killed was all over school, so was the screaming match between Ron and her. She just nodded or said see you later. They got to the front of the school and there was a crowd there. There was a mixture of students and teachers standing there. Hermione turned to everyone and said,

"I would like to come back to the school in one piece."

Everyone started to laugh at that. Most of them looked toward Fred and George when she said that. The twins looked from each other and then everyone else and said,

"What? We will be on our best behavior. Weasley oath."

They both put their hand up in the air and the other onto their heart like they were going to be swear under oath or something. Hermione just smiled and gave her friends one more hug before she left. Everyone watched as they left.

Everyone left the front of the school and went back to doing their own thing but Hermione's friends. They just stood there and Harry broke the silence and said,

"I really feel bad for her. I can't believe this happened to her."

"Yeah, but it just doesn't make sense. How did they find Hermione's parents?" Ginny asked.

"That's true. No one knew until now of what she did. Except for a group of people." Draco stated the facts.

"Then who told them? Does that mean there is a snitch or a spy among us?" George asked looked from everyone in there group of friends and around him.

No one said anything but now they were worried. Harry looked around the tree and go up from there and signed for everyone to follow him. They walked to the room of requirement. The doors opened and they entered.

"What's up Potter?" Theo asked.

"If what George said is true then there is not a lot of people that we can trust right now. We need to find this spy before someone else get hurt or anything worse." Harry said.

"Alright, who knew of Hermione's secret?" Fred asked.

"I knew, so did Ginny and Harry." Draco said.

"George and I knew from day one. Who else knew?" Fred asked.

"Well, no one else that I know of." Draco said trying to think.

Fred paused for and remembered only one more person knew. His jaw dropped and then his face turned into a stern look. Harry looked at Fred and asked,

"Fred do you remember something? Is everything alright?"

"I know of one person who would know about this and that person is,

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