Chapter 29

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"Mr. Weasley, you were under the impero curse. Someone was controlling you. Let's take you to the Hospital Wing." McGonagall said.

Everyone followed her and they stayed in silence. Madam Pomfrey was getting things ready. That evening was them telling Ron what happened.

*Time jump*

Hermione walked back into Hogwarts. She glad to be back. It had been an emotional few weeks. If it was not for Molly and Author Hermione would not know how to get through those weeks. It did help when she got letters from everyone when she was gone.

Hermione walked into the Great Hall and everyone started to cheer. She smiled when she suddenly got engulfed into a huge hug. She hugged him back realizing it was Fred. They stayed like that for a while until Ginny ran up to her and said,

"Fred, let someone else hug her."

Fred let go and stepped back blushing a little bit. Hermione gave Ginny, Pansy, and the others hugs. She walked to the Gryffindor table and sat down in between Harry and Draco. While they ate everyone told Hermione what has since she has been gone. Everyone was dismissed and someone tapped her shoulder. She turned to be faced with Ron. She glared at him.

"I know you must be angry with me. I don't know how to tell you how sorry I am. Did anyone tell you what happened to me?" Ron asked with sorrow in his eyes.

"Tell me what? That you were the one that leaked my parent's location. You're the one that got my parents." Hermione said with tears in her eyes. She fought them back but they were there.

"Hermione, it was not my. I was under the impero curse. Someone controlled me. You got to believe me." Ron said stepping forward.

Hermione took a step back from him. She looked right into his eyes and said,

"You may have been under a curse but no one knows how long. You could have told them willingly about my parents. But we are not sure, because the facts are hazy." Hermione said sternly there was no emotion in her face.

"Hermione, please. You have to believe me. It's me your best friend Ron. Part of the trio. What can I do to fix it?" Ron asked.

"Nothing, you can't bring my parents back or my unborn little sibling! Oh yeah, did you forget that my mother was pregnant with another child. You killed a child that never got a chance to live. It doesn't matter if you casted the spell, it's your fault." Hermione said with venom in her voice.

She turned around to walk away from him. She did not care that there was a crowd watching. Hermione left and went to her head common room. She sat on the couch and started to cry. She felt arms wrapped around her. Hermione looked up and saw Harry sitting there.

"I know you don't want to talk about it, but talking about it helps." Harry said.

Hermione shook her head. She just sat there in his arms. Harry sighed and said,

"I know how it feels. I am here for you Hermione. I will always be here for you."

"Thank you Harry but you don't know how it feels to lose a sibling. Even though I did not get to know him or her. It still hurts." Hermione said tears coming down.

"Actually I do. I never told anyone this but Sirius and Remus told me one day that my mother was pregnant with a child when she died. She didn't tell anyone except those two and my father." Harry confessed.

Hermione gasped and covered her mouth. She could not believe this. She felt so bad for Harry.

"Oh Harry. I'm so sorry!" She said wrapping her arms around him giving him a hug.

She guess that there was people out there that has been through as much as her and even maybe more. Hermione was lucky to have Harry as a best friend, he was always there for her and did anything to help her out.

"You know that Ron did not know what he was doing. It was the curse." Harry stated.

"I know Harry. I was just upset and I was not ready to see Ron yet. Fred sent a letter to me telling me what happened to Ron that he was under the curse. I just... I don't know. I'm just upset." Hermione explained.

They heard the door open and saw Draco coming in. He smiled over to Hermione and asked,

"You okay?"

Hermione nodded and said,

"Yeah, I guess. So what have I missed with head duties anyway?" She asked changing the subject.

"Well, nothing much. But," Draco paused.

"But what? Draco what is it?" She asked.

"I talked to McGonagall and she thinks it's best that we cancel the dance. It's too close to prepare for." Draco admitted.

"No, I will do this dance with or without you. People need something to look forward to. We have had a horrible year last year. This is our chance to make this year better."

She got up and headed out of the common room. Draco looked at Harry and said,

"She's a stubborn one."

Harry nodded and said,

"You just found this out."

They followed Hermione. She headed to Headmistress' office. She entered and said,

"We are not canceling the dance. I will not allow it."

McGonagall looked up from what she was doing to see Hermione there. She was shocked at Hermione.

"Miss Granger are you sure?" She asked.

"Yes, let me at least try." She said.

Headmistress McGonagall agreed and Hermione left. She started to prepare for the dance. Halloween was not that far away and she had a lot to do.

It is was finally the day of the dance. Hermione, Draco and the prefects have done so much to finish it. Hermione was proud of them. They were putting the finishing touches on the Great Hall while everyone else was having lunch in the court year. Hermione looked around and saw how everyone was having a great time preparing. She smiled at them and said,

"Hey everyone!"

Everyone stopped and looked at Hermione. She smiled at them and said,

"You all have done such a great job. I thank you for all your hard work and doing this last minute. So why don't you all take a break and go to the court yard to get some lunch."

Everyone walked out smiling and thanking her. She looked over to Draco and said,

"I mostly want to thank you Draco. You have put up with my crazy perfect ways."

"It was worth it. I know that you only were this way because you want everyone to have a good time." Draco said with a smile.

"Yeah, they deserve it." Hermione admitted.

They walked into the court yard and Hermione found Ginny and Pansy. She sat down with them.

"What are you going as?" Pansy asked.

"Harry and I are going with matching costumes. We are going to be zombies. What about you?" Ginny asked.

"Cute, I'm going as a wicked cheerleader. What about you Hermione?" Pansy asked.

Hermione sighed and said,

"Gosh, I totally forgot about my costume. I have been so busy to get the party ready that I did not prepare my costume."

Pansy and Ginny both smiled and Ginny said,

"We know. That's why we took it up as our responsibility to have a costume for you."

Hermione looked at both of them worried. She was a little scared on what it was going to be.

The girls headed back to the head's room to get ready all together. Ginny and Pansy got ready first and then turned to Hermione to get her ready.

They showed her what she was going to be. There on the bed was,

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