Chapter 30

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There on the bed was this Cinderella dress with a gorgeous mask. Hermione turned to the girls and gave them a hug. She could not believe that they got this costume for her. Pansy and Ginny got Hermione readied and they started to leave her room.

*Down in the common room*

The boys were waiting for the girls. Harry was going with Ginny and Pansy was going with Theo as friends. Everyone else was meeting with them in the Great Hall entrance. Ginny walked down first and Harry smiled at her and said,

"Ginny you look amazing as a zombie."

"So do you Harry." Ginny said giving Harry a kiss.

Pansy came down next. She smiled at the boys. She looked around to see that it was just Theo, Draco, Harry, Ginny and herself there. She thought this was perfect. They watched as Hermione came down and all three boys' mouth dropped. Ginny smiled at Harry as he walked over to Hermione and gave her a hug.

"You look amazing Hermione." Harry whispered in her ear.

"Thank you Harry. What do you boys' think?" Hermione asked Draco and Theo.

"You look wow. Just wow Hermione. "Theo said trying to find his words.

"I agree with Theo. Wow." Draco said with a grin.

They walked down to meet everyone else and Fred was pacing waiting for Hermione. He was going to ask if he could be her date for the dance even though the dance was today. He wanted to ask her before Blaise did. He turned to see Blaise and George had their mouths dropped. He looked to where they were looking at and saw Hermione coming down. She looked gorgeous in the costume. He walked over to her and said,

"Hermione, wow you look gorgeous!"

"Thank you Fred." Hermione said.

"So I was wondering I could accompany you to the dance?" Fred asked nervously.

Hermione looked at him surprised and then said,

"I would love to but I am sorry Fred. I told Draco that I would go with him. Since we are head boy and girl and that it would be easier to do our job tonight. Also since neither of us had a date. I am really sorry."

Draco came over to Hermione and asked,

"Are you ready to let them in?"

Hermione nodded and went to the front of the school.

"Alright who's ready for a Halloween Dance?" Hermione asked excitedly.

Everyone screamed yes and cheered. Hermione flicked her wand and the Great Hall doors opened up to show the dance. Everyone went in and started to have fun. Hermione entered with Draco. They walked around and started to mingle with everyone.

Hermione was dancing with Draco, Ginny and Harry. She was having such a fun time. She looked over and saw Fred sitting at a table all alone. She told Draco that she would be right back and headed over to Fred.

"What are you doing here sitting alone?" Hermione asked sitting down next to him.

Fred looked up surprised to see Hermione sitting next to him. She smiled at Fred. He smiled back and said,

"Well, I was just resting. Don't worry about it. "

Hermione gave him a look and he knew that she did not believe it. Before Hermione could say anything else she felt someone tap her on the shoulder. Hermione looked over and saw Blaise standing there.

"Could I have a dance with a beautiful princess?" He asked with a bow.

Hermione smiled and giggled a little bit. She thought he was being cute and funny. She could see in Fred's eyes that he did not like that. She looked over to him worried. Fred could see the worry in her eyes and knew that he was the cause. He did not want to ruin her night.

"Go ahead. Go have fun. But you have to promise to save me a dance." Fred said.

Hermione took his hand and Blaise lead her out onto the dance floor. He watched her dance with him. Fred was jealous of Blaise and he knew it. George sat down next to his brother and patted his shoulder.

"What are you doing?" He asked his twin.

"What do you mean?" Fred asked trying to be confused. But he knew what George was talking about.

"Why are you not dancing with Hermione?" George asked. "You have all right to butt into that dance. I know for a fact that the next song is going to be a slow song. Are you going to let that butthead have that moment with Hermione?"

Fred looked at George and knew he was right. Fred wanted to dance with Hermione. He got up from where he was sitting and walked over to them. He tapped Blaise shoulder and said,

"Mind if I butt in?"

"Kind of. The song is not even over." Blaise stated.

"Fine but I would like to have the next dance with Hermione. If that is fine with you Hermione?" Fred asked looking at Hermione.

Hermione nodded. Once the song was over Fred swopped right in and took Blaise's spot in front of Hermione. The music started to slow down and Hermione looked at Fred awkwardly. She placed her hands around his neck. But she had to stretch a little bit since he was so tall. They started to saw back and forth.

"Hermione I need to talk to you about something." Fred said out of the blue.

"What is it Fred?" Hermione asked curiously.

"Well, I wanted to tell you that I," Fred was about to say until he was interrupted by Headmistress McGonagall.

She took the center of the room She paused the music so everyone would pay attention. Fred was not happy about that because she interrupted him dancing with Hermine.

"Alright everyone. Now is the time to crown the two best costumes of the night but first let's give a round of applauded the prefects and Head Boy and Girl, Hermione and Draco." McGonagall started.

Everyone started to clap and cheer. Hermione smiled at that. She was glad that everyone was having a good time. McGonagall continued,

"Now the teachers have been walking around and observing everyone's costume and we have descried that the best costumes goes to Cinderella and Prince Charming."

Everyone looked at Hermione. She could not believe it but she looked over to Draco because he was not Prince Charming. She looked around the room and saw Blaise coming forward. She smiled at him as they were crowned. Everyone cheered and Hermione said,

"Everyone here has great costumes. Now let's get back partying."

The music started to play and Hermione walked over to Blaise and said,

"Well, I thought you were Prince Charming when we were dancing."

"Yeah, it was supposed to be at first one of the three musketeers but I was one man musketeer." Blaise joked.

Hermione laughed at that and turned to see Fred leaving the dance. She told Blaise that she would be right back. Hermione followed Fred over to the stair case and sat down next to him.

"What's wrong Fred?" Hermione asked.

"Nothing," Then he smiled and looked around at the staircase.

Hermione smiled too when she realized what he was thinking of. Hermione looked up at Fred and said,

"You were the only one that knew how to cheer me up when Ron made me upset."

"Yeah, I also remember on more thing." Fred said with a grin.

"What's that?" Hermione asked confused.

Fred smiled even bigger and said,

"Well if you don't remember then I will have to show you."

He leaned in to Hermione and,

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