Chapter 38

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I woke up and jumped from my bed. I looked around and did not know where I was at. I could not believe it was already morning. Draco ran into my room looking at me confused.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"I am fine. Actually, I am great." I said with a big grin.

I walked into the bathroom to get ready as I came out Draco was still in my room. He looked at me with a smile and asked,

"So, what got you in a great mood?"

"How about we talk about it downstairs over coffee?" I suggested.

He nodded and lead the way. We sat on the couch with the coffee. At first we sat in silence and then Draco said,

"Alright explain."

"Well, last night I did not put up any of my wards. Also it was the first night I actually slept through the whole night without a nightmare." I explained.

Draco smiled at me and gave me a hug. He was so happy for me. I was proud of myself as well. It was going to be a good say. We walked out of our common room together to meet up with the others in the Great Hall. I told Draco I would meet up with him. I had to go do something first. More like find somebodies first.

I walked down the hall and looked around to make sure I was not followed. I got to a tapestry and pulled it aside. It showed a door and I got my wand out and tapped three times. I walked down the hall to lots of noise and someone talking. I knew my boys would be here.

*Fred's POV*

"So Georgie, what are your thoughts on me asking Mione out?"

"Are you serious? I mean it is about time." George stated smirking.

"Well, since I know that she does not have feelings for Blaise and we both know how that went. Plus, Hermione's and I have connected a lot more since we came back to Hogwarts. She is amazing and smart and beautiful," I started banter.

"Hey love bird! I know. You have already said all that stuff before. I say you should go for it. You two are perfect for each other." George encouraged me.

Right then George and I heard footsteps coming down our hall. We whipped our wands out and then there was Hermione. I quickly put my wand away and smiled to her. She smiled back. There was something different about her today and I did not know what. But I liked it.

"So how did you know we were here?" I asked.

"You two are always here. This is your little hide out." Hermione explained.

"Yes, but we want to know how you knew where it was. I do not remember telling you it. Did you Fred?" George asked.

Hermione laughed and said,

"I knew about it since you started working on product for your shop. I knew about you two coming in here since my fifth year. I can see you two on the map."

I looked over to George and he blushed a little bit. We forgot that our spot was on the map. That was how we found it in the first place. We were looking at the map and exploring new passages out and around the castle. Then we ran into this one and it had been our spot ever since.

"Well, welcome to our madness." I said excited.

I was glad that Hermione knew about our spot now. I did not like keeping secrets from her. George and I have gotten close with Hermione and I knew there was a connection. She was part of us now. She knew almost everything about us.

Hermione sat down on one of the couch we created for this room. I sat next to her and looked right into those beautiful chocolate brown eyes of hers. There was a sparkle that was rarely there. My smile grew bigger and I asked,

"So, what has that beautiful sparkle out today? You know that your eyes only sparkle when great news happened or you have something great happening."

"You will always impress me Fred. I do have something to tell you both." Hermione said. We both looked at her excitedly and she said,

"I did not have a nightmare last night and I also did not put my wards up."

I know some people might think that is not great news but it was for Hermione. She has been working so hard on all of that since the war. George and I was helping her along the way with her nightmares and trusting people again that was not close friends and family.

I looked over to George and we gave her a big group hug. Hermione started to laugh and hugged us back. We sat there in silence for a while. George looked around and got up and said,

"I think I am going to get some breakfast and go owl a letter to Angela. I will see you two later."

George left the room and it was just Hermione and myself. We sat there in silence. I could tell there was something bothering Hermione. I placed my hand on hers and looked at her and asked,

"What's wrong?"

"I am just missing the times I had with Harry and Ron. I have not talked to Ron for a while. The last time I talked to him was when I yelled at him and blamed him for my parents death." Hermione explained.

"Well, why don't you go talk to him?" I asked.

"Because I don't think he will want to talk to me. I am also afraid that we will get into an argument. But also I was so mean and harsh to him that he may not want to see me ever. I know it was not his fault. He was cursed and could do nothing about it. I want to fix it but I'm scared to." Hermione admitted.

I gave her a hug and said,

"How about you and I go find Harry and us three can talk to Ron together. That way you have me and Harry to lean on."

"Fred, you would really do that for me?" Hermione asked.

"Of course, I would. I would do anything to help you out Mione. I want you to be happy and if getting the trio back together makes you happy then I will help." I explained.

We got up together and walked out of the room. We headed down to the Great Hall to find Harry to go and talk to Ron. I looked at Hermione as we walked down and saw that she was nervous. I took her hand and squeezed it. We found Harry and Hermione whispered to him. She was explaining to him our plan. Harry nodded and walked down to the end of the table to where Ron was at. We could hear what Harry was saying to Ron,

"Mind coming with me for a second?"

Ron nodded and got up. We were waiting outside of the Great Hall. Harry came up to us with Ron. Ron was surprised to see that we were waiting. He looked over to Hermione confused.

"What is going on?" Ron asked.

"I was wondering if we could talk somewhere private?" Hermione asked.

"About what?" Ron asked.

"US." Hermione said.

Ron nodded and we all walked down the hall to the room of requirements. That was where we would bet the most privacy. This was going to a long talk but I was going to be there for Hermione.

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