181. You're still you

106 5 2

Natepat (look more be happy)

None bby this should be cute

Honestly what I'm wanting in my life right now
Also I'm at my friend's and she is currently watching the new TWD episode and I don't watch that so she said I could go on my phone so I'm writing lmao

698 (figure out the theme I've had lately boyos lmao)


Nate fixed his new bright, literally florescent, yellow beanie and laughed at his reflection. He looked like a complete and utter fuck-boy but he did look and feel like a boy and that made him smile. It took a while for him to look in the mirror and like what he sees and this day he did. He was also going into town with his boyfriend, essentially on a date and so Nate could get clothes that made him feel more manly... he had wanted someone with him who he knew would support him and make sure he felt comfortable. He grabbed his bag and ran out the house, making sure to lock his door, then headed for the bus-stop.

Mat smiled when he saw his boyfriend and pulled him into a tight embrace, the two both exchanged kisses and love before pulling apart. "C'mon let's go get Starbucks then we can start," Mat chuckled as he put an arm around Nate. "Because you're a stereotypical white girl... but I do Starbucks so let's go!" They headed upstairs to the coffee shop where they got a drink and sat around discussing random things. Mat noticed the sparkle and genuine happiness in his boyfriend's eye and he smiled, Nate had been different since he'd came out to Mat he seemed happier and more relaxed like a massive weight had been lifted. "Is it rude for me to ask if you're still wanting to get lingerie to wear for me or...?" The theorist boyfriend said genuinely wanting to know the answer. Nate laughed and nodded, "There's nothing wrong with a man wearing lingerie especially for his boyfriend so yes i'm still getting and you can help me choose." Mat definitely wasn't opposed to that, a small smirk played on his lips and he went back to sipping his drink.

Between the two they both had bought bags of clothes, movies and random things. Nate had bought clothes that he knew he'd be comfortable in and sure somewhere still from the ladies department but there's nothing wrong with a man dressing femininely sometimes. Mat also made sure to keep his boyfriend directed away from the beanies cause if there's one thing he knows it that Nate wanted to buy more of them considering how masculine the yellow one made him feel. Nate kept stopping to give his boyfriend cuddles and love because he felt happier than he'd felt in a long time and he kept whispering thank you's to Mat cause his acceptance meant everything to him. His boyfriend would brush it off though because Nate, no matter what, was still the person he'd fallen in love with and he wasn't going to get hooked up something as trivial as gender because in love why should it matter?

"What do you think Mat?~" Nate smirked as he held up some attractive looking lingerie to show his boyfriend, the dressing rooms wouldn't let him try it on because that's unhygienic so Mat just had to use his imagination but what his mind was creating he definitely liked. The two flirted between them and the end result was Nate buying the underwear to wear for his boyfriend. He could still feel pretty as a boy and sometimes he wanted to be a pretty boy and sometimes he wanted to be a tough boy but either way Mat had accepted that and he loves him. There was a few times throughout the day where Nate almost started crying because of how much he loves his boyfriend and how happy he makes him. He didn't feel like he deserved Mat especially after the way he acted but he loves him and he's glad that he stays with him.

"You're still you Nate and I still love you because you've not changed from the person I fell for."

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