119. Life isn't a fairytale

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Danti/Antiseptiplier (look another one semi-related to the title)

I'd say none but let me know if I'm wrong

Lmao for my last chapter I wrote it with only the final three lines and for this one I'm going in completely blind (I'm writing and seeing what I spew out)

also I love making Anti and Dark just really cute with each other rather than evil and sinister like most people do

Yep this ain't fluffy (some of it is kind of but not really)

2529 (low-key debating whether to write a full fanfic for this idea cause I really actually love the concept behind this oneshot)


"Fuck off Twat."

Those three words caught Darkiplier's attention they were rather young. The voice had a thick Irish accent one that had to belong to the new kid they'd been told about Antisepticeye, that name stuck out to him as it was incredibly unusual much like his own. Darkiplier try to picture in his mind what this guy would look like taking into account their colourful langue on the first day. The boy the newbie had spat this comment at looked completely shocked he bit his tongue by mistake and blood poured all over the floor. "Idiot."

Darkiplier left to go to his homeroom and sat in his desk alone picking up a book he started reading it. A smile played on his lips most people wouldn't really consider it a book as it was a manga but honestly he didn't really care. The bell rang and everyone entered homeroom a few looking tired and the geeks looking ready to learn. As per usual the seat next to Darkiplier was empty no one ever sat with him anyway, as they were terrified of him, it didn't really surprise the male. Ms. Lau entered the room her fingers firmly wrapped around a boy's shoulder as she shoved him into the room a frown on her face. The male's face however held a smirk his green and blue eyes darted around the room fixing on the male sitting alone, a few things stood out about the male to Darkiplier one of those things being his prosthetic arm and the way he looked at Darkiplier. "Everyone this is Antisepticeye who decided on his first day to set off a stink bomb and why was that?" Ms. Lau kept frowning, pressing the new male to answer. "I live in the moment never know when you might die," He grinned, speaking in the same Irish accent as the kid this morning. Hunter was impressed by this boy he'd only been in the classroom for two minutes and already the populars were checking him out. "Just take a seat Mr. McLoughlin," Ms. Lau groaned unleashing her hold on the male. The Irish boy smirked and nodded, stepping forward with unbridled confidence.

Without even thinking about it Anti sat next to Darkiplier. 'Is this going to be one of those cliché romance stories where the new kid has to sit next to the boy and he falls in love with them and confesses to them under the moonlit sky' that thought caused Darkiplier to snort, for various reasons.  The new boy smirked and grabbed the book Darkiplier was reading and started reading it himself flipping through the pages curiously. Darkiplier decided not to kill him for taking his reading material. "Black Butler eh? You know you sort of look like Ciel," His Irish accent strung through the words. The males hands went up to his eyepatch and he smiled, "You're the first person not to call me a freak or be intimidated by my appearance."

"Why would I be?"


That day started an unbreakable friendship between the two teenagers. Neither expressed feelings for each other out of the friend range although everyone was convinced they were dating. One day a day before the incident that changed their lives happened Darkiplier choose to tell Anti his secret. "Why did you take me here?" He chuckled, "I had plans with Kassie you know the hot cheerleader but instead you drag me out here at eleven pm... this better be good." He was more teasing anything thing else, Anti didn't mind Darkiplier dragging him away so that the two could spend time together. "I... I wanted to show you something." Darkiplier's hands went up to his eyepatch as he untied it slowly, his hands shaking but he swallowed the lump in his throat and let the eyepatch fall. His eye was blood red a dark circle around it his eyelid bruised. "I was cursed as a child I never love anyone... this is a reminder of the curse." Anti smirked ever so slightly, "I knew about the curse." Darkiplier was taken by surprise he'd never told anyone so how did he know. The cursed male raised an eyebrow at his friend, "How do you know?" His voice shook as he asked the question.

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