48. I'm a dreamer

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Natepat (I know finally!)


Fluff (probably)

I wrote a Crankgameplays Imagines so if anyone else loves the smol blue bean (or we could just talk about Ethan!)


293 (Really short and bad XD)

Some may say
I'm a dreamer

Nate typed at his keyboard smiling happily as the game started, he'd logged into a game that apparently set you up with your dream date. Now Nate was a bit of a daydreamer so his mind came up various different partners for him.

"Nathan Sharp you are the most handsome man I've ever met," A voice echoed in his brain. He saw an image of a brunette (ya'll happy I finally used Mat's actual hair colour XD) he had a bright happy smile on his face and seemed to be waving, slowly the image in his brain faded away.

A small smile spread across Nate's face and he clicked on serval things answering questions. Finally an image popped up on the screen - the same man from his thoughts. 'Mathew Patrick' was the name of the man. With a heavy sigh Nate spoke and spoke to him and eventually they planned a date.

"MAT!" Nate exclaimed excitedly when he saw the brunette and hugged him close. The two chuckled and drank and laughed the whole night long then Nate started telling Mat that'd seen him before he had found him on the website, that he guessed they were Soulmates.

Mat's smile dropped and he left the room for a second, in the bathroom he pulled a string from around his neck. A small gold ring hung off the string.

He clasped his hand around it and sighed tears forming in his eyes.

"Of course he wouldn't remember."

Some may say
I'm just a dreamer

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