41. Soulmates

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Once again I'm sorry

I have no idea what I'm even doing XD



He was so beautiful

Mark looked at the tattoo on his arm and sighed, the plain black circle. The same tattoo his lover would have, he kept his covered so that no one else could see it. All his friends apart from Jack and Yami had found their soulmates.

He watched the Irishman film his videos and smiled happily as the energetic male did his outro. Mark felt truly happy whenever he heard Jack's voice and especially when he heard his giggle, it was the most beautiful sound he ever heard.

The redhead let out a longing sigh as he looked for more videos to watch. He wished he could find his soulmate.

He was adorable

"And I will see all you dudes IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!" Mark finished watching another one of the Irishman's videos. Fuck, he's so cute. The redhead smiled widely and sighed as a Skype call came through from the same male.

"Hey Mark..." Jack's voice was quiet and he sniffled. "Jack what's wrong?!" Mark said immediately concerned. "I-I can't d-do this anymore." He came onto video call, a gun held under his chin, "I-I'm sorry M-Mark... E-Even if we a-aren't s-soulmates... I-I loved y-you." He pulled the trigger. His blood and brains splattered the wall behind him. Mark couldn't process what he'd just witness he wasn't even aware of the tears running down his face.

That was the first time he ever saw Jack's tattoo - a plain black circle. "No..." Exited Mark's lips barely above a whisper his heart shattered.

He was meant to be mine

"M-My s-soulmate," Mark cried, how had he ever known. He should have guessed the second he had feelings for Jack but now he was gone. "F-Fuck it!" Mark yelled and ran upstairs never ending the video call.

He found a bottle of pills and took it downstairs he looked at Jack's mess of a body and popped one of the pills.

"Septiplier Away."

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