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Mary POV

school was a long day but i'm finally home.i got a ride home with Aiden then he left to meet his girlfriend.what is wrong with me?i shouldn't be angry at him.i should be happy for him.i should be,although i really want him to be with me,i should drop it before i ruin there relationship.i walk up to my room and changed my chlothes.

i should go somewhere tonight,maybe to the movies ..with mel.i picked up my phone and diled mel's number and she picked up."hey,what's up"?"well i was thinking we should go t o the movies tonight".

i walk in my walk in closet."girl yes.what are you going to wear"?"maybe i'll wear the clothes my mom bought for me.what are you"?"i don't know yet but i'll come up with something"."ok ,you'll pick me up at six on the dot".

"okay,i won't be late"."good,i'm going to find something to eat now"."alright.love you"."love you too".i end the call.

i took up my clothes and rest them on the bed.i'm wearing a sweatshirt within my jeans on it,and a blueish jeans and a white air force.i walked down stairs and went to kitchen and ate the food my mom left for me.

when i was finished i walked back upstairs to get ready because it is now minuets to six and mel will be here soon.

when i got to my room i put on my clothes and  brushed my teeth.i just put my here in a ponytail and sprayed myself with perfume that i made myself.it's called perf because it's perfect.

"ready".mel said."when did you get here"?"just now.."."you scared the life out of me"."i'm sorry".she hugs me and then pulls away.she's wearing a short jeans and it is ripped up on her but pegs.she also wearing a stripped tank top and a converse.

she looks so sexy to be honest."i'm ready let's go.your outfit looks good by the way"."yours too".we giggle.we walk downstairs and after we exited the house i locked it.then we got into the car and drive off.


As we get out of the car I felt a cold shiver in my body.thank god I have on a jacket,that I put on in the car.we exchanged smiles and walk into the movies with our phones in hand.we look at the movies that will be showing tonight.

There was the spy who dumped me,slender man,the meg,the hate you give.There were others but they'll be showing later tonight.

"so what's it going to be".She asks while looking at me."well I'll really love to see the hate you give"."great..me too".we pay for our tickets,popcorn and a sprit.

When we were finished getting ourstuff we made our way where the movie is showing.There were showing other trailers to other movies.

We sat at the back cause we want to see everything.The seats started to get filled and then the movie begins.

I start to munch down on my popcorn and then i hear a chuckle from a girl from the other side of the room.The room was dark so i didn't make out anyone.

When khalil died it brought  tears to my eyes.'Life is very short'.i took up my phone and started to video tape everything.

Down to the part where mel is caught picking her nose,and the part where i accidentally fart.i put it up on my story.As I put it up I got like twenty views.

I snap out of my gaze when I heard that seven was beaten by king.You know what got me in alot of tears is at the end when king was going to shot starr and king pointed the gun at her father.her brother points the gun up to king and cried."leave my dad alone".This movie is so sad.

As the sound place at the end we get up from our seat as the movie ends.We trowed our trash in the trash can and walked into the bathroom stalls to use the toilet.

When i was done I washed my hands and dry it with a paper towel while Mel did the same."let's go".she says while throwing the towel away and so did I.

When we walked to the main entrance to exit she stops in her path and looks at me.

"Do you mind waiting here while I go buy a spirit for your brother? ".she asks."sure".i say as she walks off.

I sat on a chair and used my phone.I went on my instragram profile and I got like about two hundred and two views.I know it was silly of me to fart in the video, but I couldn't help it.

I take up my phone and made a couple of videos and also send it to my story, once again more views.

"Aiden.stop".I look up at my phone and saw Aiden hugging a girl and kissing her on the cheek.

I start to feel something. I felt sad,now that's his girlfriend. That's just great.She's really pretty,more prettier than me i could say. She has long black hair,grey eyes, and her outfit is so trendy.

I just hope he dosesn't see me.just as I said that Mel yells my name from across the room. He looks at her and then looks at me, he looked shook to see me here.

I just look at him with sadness in my eyes and look away. He notices me and walks up to me.

"Mon Amour didn't know you were going to be here".he says and I stand up."it's okay".I gave him a fake smile."Well, I'm glad your here".he says while smiling and looking into my eyes.

I couldn't help but smile back. I just wish he was here with me not her.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend"?The girl walks up to us and stands next to Aiden. Our eyes disconnect from each other and look at the girl.

"Mary this is chelsey. Chelsey this is Mary".I gave her a fake smile and her smiles back to me. "hey i'm chelsey his baby cousin".My eyes grew wide and my face got red of embarrassedment."I thought you were his girlfri...





first book



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