Just friends

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Mary POV

"Mary.Mary!Wake up".Hunter says while tapping my thigh.I roll over tiredly facing him.I yawned and opened my eyes slightly."What do you want"? I yawned once again."Mom's back"."yeah I know I saw her last night in her room"." anyways she's calling you in the kitchen"."Okay". A big smile fills my face.I jump off my bed and run down my stairs. I tripped and my life flash before my eyes.

i nearly flew down five stairs and then someone caught me." I see your falling for me again clumsy".A familiar voice said."what's the hurry".i look up and it was Aiden.I felt so embarrassed that he saw me flew down the stairs into his arms, but I'm thankful I didn't fall and hurt myself.

I stood up and took some hair away from my face and put it behind my ears."mom's calling me".i show a tender smile." I figured but next time stop falling for me so hard you could have got hurt".he smirks.

I couldn't help but blush." you wish".i punch him in the arm playfully and ran into the kitchen where my mom was.

I ran into her arms and kiss her on the cheeks." mom I've missed you so much".I smile." I've missed you too"." I've bought these for you to make up for the times I wasn't here".i look down at the bags that she has in her hands. I take them from her and look through them.'Omg she bought Kylie Jenner lip kit, new jeans, new clothes, new brand shoes, and dresses'.

"mom thank you so much. I love you ten times more".i drop the bags and hug her.I pull away and look around when I heard Aiden's voice and then hunter walked in.

"Aiden did you get the things I left in your room"?"yes I did. Thanks by the way"."your welcome... I heard that your parents are coming back today"."yeah me too".he said and I smile at him, when he looks at me.

"good there coming over for dinner tonight, so I want all of you guys here".I look at her and show my teeth." mom about that".She looks down at me." what"." I have to go out with a friend tomorrow but I could stay here if you want"."no.no.do I know this friend"?"no I met him at a party".

"him"?"yeah its a boy"."what's his name"?" his name is Matt"."you should bring him here.so I could get to meet him.are you guys dating"?"no nothing like that and we will never".i here chuckles from hunter and Aiden.

"you should get back on the horse.I heard that you spend time crying in your room".i stood there shocked totally didn't want anyone to know that." who told you that"?I scratch my neck."It doesn't matter what matters is that your lon-".i cut her off."mom"!" I'm not lonely"."you are"." I got to get ready for school".

I took up the bags and walk pass both of them into my room. when I got to my room I got ready by doing my daily routine. when I finished getting ready.I took up my bag and phone walk downstairs.

Trying to figure out whoI'mm going to school with maybe i'll take the bus, because i dont want to go with Aiden cause i'm too embarrassed to see his face and hunter goes to school too late.

i'm wearing a crop top,a  high waisted jeans,a jordans and my hair is in two dutch braids .i walked into the kitchen and mom ,hunter and Aiden was in there sitting."mom i'm going to school now ,bye"."who are you going with".

"i'm walking"."no need i could drop you".she picks up her keys. "no i want to walk"."are you sure"?"yeah i am"."okay bye then and don't forget to call him and invite him her tonight"."i won't"."bye guys".i said to hunter and Aiden not even bothering to look him in the eyes.

I walk out the door smelling the beautiful air and walk down the road but I'm walking on the pavement. Cars pass by not even bothering to stop and offer me a drop, even though I would say no.i cross the road after I make sure no car was coming. when I crossed the road I continue walking.

Cars kept passing ,then a car slowed down on the side of me. when I look up it was Aiden.I roll my eyes with relief. i want to get in but I'm still embarrassed."Get in".He tells me while stopping the car as I stopped."no I'm good"."Are you sure"?He asked.

A car with a group of guys who look like college guys suited me. I look up as their car pass by and blush.i'm really happy that happened not embarrassed anymore.I look back at Aiden." yeah I'm good". I start to feel a bit of rain on me.'that's just great'.he smirks."are you sure".?he smirks again. I roll my eyes and open his car door and got in.

when I got in I put on my seat belt and he starts to drive.i to look over at him while his eyes are on the road. we drive in silence but not the awkward silence.

I decided to call Matt and tell him what my mom said.On the second call he answered."Hey Mary.Don't tell me your having second thoughts are you"?"No.no my mom wants to meet you.So we could just hang by my place for dinner tonight instead"."ow..well I'd love to meet your mom".Aiden watches me.

"Great I'd text you the location"."okay".When He hanged up I sent him the address."Was that the guy"?"Yeah"."hmmm".He said without asking any further questions.

He parked the car and we got out of the car.His friends came up to him and started to talk."Are you ready"?One of his friends asked."Ready for what.Where are you going"?i asked Aiden."don't worry I'll be back".he gets back in the car with his friends and drive off.


I sat in history class with my head resting on one of my hand palms with my other hand tapping the table with my pencil and watching the clock. I watch over at Aiden's seat which was empty." okay class I want you guys to read chapter one to two".He says as the bell rings and everyone jumps up from there seat after being bored and pack up there stuff then walking out of class.

I pack up my stuff and walk out to my locker hoping to see Aiden in the cafeteria. I put my stuff in the locker and Mel taps me on the shoulder.

"What's the hurry"?She asked.I close my locker and pull her into the cafeteria." nothing".We got into the line and I scan my eyes around to see if I see Aiden.he wasn't there.I sigh." what"?she asked while taking up two trays and the lunch lady gives us our daily order. pizza, an apple, and a water.

"Nothing I'll tell you later.Let's just eat".We walked over to our seats and rest our things on the table.As I was about to tell Mel What's up Aiden,Hunter along with thier friends came and sat down next to us.

Hunter sat next to Mel,Aiden sat next to me and the boys sat on the empty seats."Where were you? I was so bored today".I look at him and he looks at me." i'm sorry didn't know you were going to miss me".He gives me a smirk." are you guys dating"?Andrew asked. we look at each other and then back at him." no".i said and look over at Aiden who was watching at Andrew.

"no.We're just friends".He laughs.i can't believe he just said those words that we're just friends." i got to go".i give my brother the tray and take my apple and left.

"What's up with her"?One of the guys said .i ran into the toilet .I didn't cry,I just felt my heart break a little.I just can't believe he said It out so dry so.

I sigh In fustration then mel walks In the toilet looking at me." what's wrong"?mel walks up to me in confusion." was it what Aiden said back there"?i nod and look down at the floor.."you like him dont you"?I felt something tingle In my eyes and then a Few tears came down my face. She places her hand on my shoulder." a little i think but it dosent matter anymore".i put on my bag and walked out the toilet.

"mon amour".Aiden calls while holding my hand.I turn around to meet his eyes."Were you crying"?I bend down my head and wipe away my tears."no".I look up at him." are you sure cause your eyes look puffy"?"i'm fine i pull away from him and walked quickly to the library and read some books.


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