It's just water

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Mary POV

I took a seat on the kitchen chair and watch my mom start to prep her vegetables.I walked up behind her and hugged her from the back."Mom. I Love you so much and I want you to be happy...So this week I'ts mom day for us..We'll go out and eat,watch movies.Anything you want".

"Hon your so sweet but you and Melissa,You have your week already planned.I don't want to ruin it for you guys".She said while taking the veges off the cutting board and into the pot.

"Mom I know but she'll be with us too".I said while pulling away"."Well if you insist".She said while kissing me on the cheek."Sure thing.I'm gonna tell Mel".I walked up to my room and I went on my laptop .

I sent Mel a message saying that mom is is tagging along with us this week.I turned around on the chair and saw Aiden.He was shirt less,His eight packs looked so good,I felt like laying on them.'wait what'I snapped myself out of it even though he is so sexy,Damn.

"Going for a swim,Coming"?"Hmmm.But I'm not swimming".I put on my swimsuit in the bathroom and walked to the back yard.I went and sat on the lunge and watch him dive into the pool.'I really should take a tan'."So what are you doing tomorrow"?

"I'm going shopping with Mel and mom"."Didn't you went shopping today"?"Yes Mel needs some cute clothes for the party on next week saturday"."Ow your going the party"?

"No I don't do parties"."Ahh .I know.your too boring for parties".My jaw drops and my eyebrows furrowed.I'm not boring I'm very fun.I got up from the lunge and walked towards him.

"You know what.I'm going to that party and you'll see how fun I am"."That's the spirit Mon Amour.Now give me a hand out of here".I held out my hand a he pulled me into the water."What's wrong with you"?I say angrily breaking the surface with my head.

"Nothing I just want to have a swim with you.It has been so long".He winked at me and I splashed water on his face.He did it back and I squealed.

"Relax It's just water"."I'm not a retard Aiden"I stated out while swimming away from him."Hey where are you going"?"For a swim"I said while diving  under the water.I closed my eyes and stayed down there until I can't breathe anymore.

I love doing this my dad and I used to do it.

Some time went by and Then I felt someone pulling my arm and I opened my eyes and it was Aiden.When we reached up from under the water I gasp for air."What is wrong with you"?"Are you okay.You were under there for thirty minutes now"."Stop exaggerating it was twelve and I'm fine"."Your really good then"."Yeah I am".

He flashed me a tempting smile and I smiled and looked away."I'm going to head out now"."Alright then".He said then starts to swim.I ran upstairs to my room.

Then I walked into the shower and took a bath,Then put on my clothes on and walked downstairs to eat the pasta that my mom made."Mar...I was just about to call you. Tell hunter and Aiden that dinner is ready"."Okay, mom".I walked to hunter's room and opened the door."Hunter dinner is ready"."I'll be there in a sec"."Okay"."What did she make"." she made pasta"."Alright then".

I saw Aiden in the pool still taking a swim. I walked up to the pooL and called him out but he didn't here."Aiden!....Aiden!".Then he looked up out of the water."Hey Mon Amour, back for more"?"Dinner is ready".I roll my eyes."Alright".He said while he came out of the pool.When he came out I could see the water slide down his abs.

He looked so hot, Just by looking at him. He brought chills up my spine. He walked up to me and gave me a smirk.

"stop drooling for me".I didn't even realize that my mouth was still wide open Until he said It  then I closed it."Let's go"We walked back inside and he went to put on some clothes and I washed my hands then sat in the dinning room where my mom and Hunter were.

Hunter was on his phone as usual and my mom was just putting the food on the table. Aiden came and took a seat next to me.I looked at him and he gave a shy smile.'He's so cute'

My mom sat down resting our dinner Infront of us."Hunter put away your phone".My mom spat."Okay!"."So how was your first day back at school was"?My mom asked and Aiden looked up at me."It was great had fun and it feels good to be back".He smiled at me.

"That's great, Well Bonappetit".We started to eat and I took my phone out.I put on my headsets and listen to I don't die by Joyner Lucas and Chris Brown. I love that song, I know it has a lot of cursing but I don't care."Mind your motherfucking business ain't nothing you gat to see".i spat.I looked up and every one's faces were turned to me."Mary, your words".My mom said with her jaw dropped.

"Sorry. didn't realize that I was loud, sorry".I said as I continue mumbling the words while I ate my pasta. I looked from the corner of my eyes and I saw Aiden staring at my lips. I can't help but giggle and I looked over at him then put the headsets on my neck." what"."I can't get that smile out of my head"."Aww. That's too bad".I pouted my lips out and giggle softly.


"Mom. Love and hip hop is on".My mom and I love to watch love and hip hop, it's so fun to watch. It has a lot of drama and it's funny. I lay down on the sofa with my head on Aiden's lap. I looked up into his eyes and he looked down at me. I looked away and watched my show."Go, girl ".I giggled.

"Mom, It's starting"! I got up from his lap and ran into my mom's room."Mo..m.Are you okay"?I saw my mom holding a picture that I took of mom and my dad and tears were running down her eyes.

I walked up to her and took the picture away from her and I put my hand on her shoulder."Mom. It's okay we're here for you".She turned around and she wiped the tears away from her face."I'm fine, let's go".'I know my mom wasn't doing well'she walked off'."Mom wait"!I put my hands around her waist and put my head on her chest.

"Mom stop pretending to be okay. We know your Hurting. You'll get over this...I know you would with our help".I looked up at her and she smiled at me."I love you so much, sweety. Now let's go watch our show".


Is her mom going to get over this heartbreak?

Is Mary really going to help her through that process?

Is Mary getting the feelings she once had for him?

why dose Aiden call Mary Mon Amour in the fist place?



First book



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