Mon Amour

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Mary POV

As I walked into the classroom.There were students in there seats ,Some talking to there friends.I waved at some of the students that I talk to.I'm not popular but I'm definitely not an outcast.I know what your thinking.How can I  be dating one of the most popular guys at school and I'm not popular,Well I don't really have time for all the drama. 

My brother is one of them and since that Aiden's back he's going to be one too, I started to read my bio book.I cant say i don't like to read cause I do.I  flipped the page and I could see from the corner of my eyes that someone had sat beside me.

"I see we are in the same class".He chuckled."yeah.we are"."so he's you're boyfriend huh"?"yeah he's my boyfriend.We have been together for 6 months now"."well I hope he treats you right cause that's what you deserve".he stared into eyes as if he was looking into my soul and I started  to get goosebumps from the way he was looking at me.I blushed and then looked away."thanks".

"No problem,Mon Amour"."what dose that even mean"."I don't kiss and tell".I laughed and budged his arm."you're such a player"."Never with you".He smirked and kept staring into my eyes.i didn't understand what that look meant but I just blushed and looked away.In that moment I was feeling emotions for him that I thought had buried long ago.

When we played together as kids I had adopt feelings for him.When I made up my mind and said I really need to get over him was when I saw him making out with Emily's best friend.

I  looked up and I could see Emily Looking towards me in rage,then she started to walk over to us 'Why do she have to be in the same class with me' and she took a seat Infront of me and her best friend Lili Infront of Aiden."hey aiden".she said while touching his arm."Are you busy later cause my parents are out of town and we could find time to catch up on some unfinished business".She smiled and I looked away cause I've seen enough.

"Students take your seats.Lets begin.By me welcoming you guys back to school".MR Richards our chemistry teacher said while resting his briefcase his table."Aiden welcome back"he said while he welcomed the others.


Everyone walked out of the class and that left Aiden and I."on finished business huh".I poked him and smiled."huh".he said while looking up at me."Are you busy later cause my parents are out of town".I laughed and winked at him."The thing with Lili,oh hell no,that's not gonna happen.I'm single but not for long".

He shots me a wink and then I gave a little chuckle."Are you coming"."No not yet I have to finish some work"."Then I'll catch you later then".He said while staring at me with a smile on his face."What is it"I said."You're smile it's in my mind cause your so beautiful".He gave a smirk."Quit it.arn't you supposed to be somewhere else"."yes but i'd rather be with you".he  stood up and smile."leave".I giggled and he left.After I was finished I walked of the class and I was using my phone.

When I looked up I saw Kevin leaning on his locker and Emily Infront of him.What the hell."Kevin"!I yelled while walking over to them."What are you doing"?"Nothing.She was just leaving".He said while scratching the behind of his neck and she left smiling at me with a lollipop in her mouth.

"Babe.That's not,Nothing.what was going on"."Nothing was.What ever you're thinking didn't happen"."what am I thinking".My eyebrows narrowed."I have to go to  practice I'll see you later but do you want to go out for dinner tonight"? He said while kissing me on my cheek."Yes I'd love that."Alright.You still going with Melissa"?"Yes I am"."Alright then later then.He walked off with his jersey in his hand.

Maybe I'm overreacting,he wasn't doing anything that will ruin our relationship.I put my books in my locker and I saw Melissa so I walked up to her."hey Mary.Aiden's back did you see him"."Yeah.We were in the same biology class together"."Ow....I'm so glad he's back,He looks so hot".I giggle.

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