That's Why I Love her

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Mary POV

I ran to my room and shut the door locked.I could stay in school with all those rumors and Kevin keep on trying to talk to me.i jumped myself on the bed and cried my heart out.i looked my phone that was constantly buzzing and i saw ten messages from Kevin,two from Aiden,two from hunter and two from Mel.

i just opened mel's messages.

mel:mar,where are you.2:01pm

mel: he's such a duch bag for what he did.i'm on my way

more tears just start to flow down my face.i just want to be alone,i dont want people to be sorry for me it just makes me look weak.i opened aiden's text,which said:

Aiden:are you okay?.10:37am

Aidens:I know you said to leave you alone but i can't leave you alone i want to make sure you're okay.3:20pm

i opened my brothers text.that said:

hunter:maryI'mm sorry that happened to you but i'm not.i'm glad you found out now.1:10pm

hunter:you are a strong girl you'll get over him and that's why i love you.1:23pm

so i felt kind of better but i still feel depressed,hurt and....i don't even know.i closed my eyes and drift off to sleep.


time past very quickly and yeah I know your wondering what happened for those two  weeks.i stayed in my room and hunter,Aiden,Mel and my mom tried to get me out of my room but they couldn't, but when they left to go off to school I snuck off to the kitchen and ate some cereal.

kevin tried to call me, text me and come to my house but I blocked him on my phone and completely ignore's now Sunday and i'm going to come out of my room, it's about time I do.

I walked into my closet and take out shorts and my crop top and took a shower and I did my daily routine. when I was done I looked at my phone to see any notifications and i did.i got messages from Mel, but I didn't want to read it.

I put my phone to charge and I walk down the stairs to go to the kitchen where my mom is, talking to someone on her phone." no,estrictamente te dije que no la primera vez y seguiste adelante con ese estupido plan".

(no, I strictly told you no the first time and you went ahead with that stupid plan)."voy  a estar ahi abajo y hacer este lio,a primera hora de la manana y solo tener a tu abogado en speed dile".(i'll be down there my self and un do this mess,first thing in the morning and just have your lawyer on speed dile).my mom said.

my mom is half Hispanic and American .She ends the call and face me with a tense the happy face." is everything okay mom".

"yes sweety".she cries and hugs me."mom.i'm fine.your leaving".she pulls away and kisses me on my cheeks."it's only for a few months"."why".i said while Aiden walks in on me.

"That's work business ".mom said while aiden looks at me." hey...long time no see"." if long time means yesterday then long time no see".I smiled.

"babe so how are you feeling".mom said sounding emotional."mom i'm fine"."are you sure"?"yes mom i'm fine.thats why i'm going to school tomorrow".

"you dont have could stay at home and do your school work".i jump off the island get an apple from the fridge." mom I'm going to school".i bite the apple looking at her.

"ow and I'm going the library and other places"."okay"."i could carry you if you want"?aiden said."no it's okay.i'm going with my bike,it's a long time since i used it"." back early"."and tell hunter i'm going out to come back".i walk out of them and took up my bike that was chained up.

i got on my bike and start to ride to the library.there were music playing so I sang along to bum tam tam.i felt my pocket to play some music myself on my phone but i just remeber i forgot it at forgot it at home charging.

when i reached the library i parked my bike somewhere and checked in.after that i looked for some chemistry books so i could study from.i love chemistry,i won't say its the best but it's one of the best. as much as i want to forget about kevin i just can't,i don't love him anymore but i still have a small thing for him.

i can't believe he will do that to me,after everything we did together and everything i gave him.well thank god i didn't have sex with him,i'm starting to think all those things he gave me was only for sex but i didn't give him so he had sex with someone else.

that bastard,its a good thing i didnt do it.the reason i left home for the day is because i'm tired of everyone asking me if i'm okay,i dont want to look weak.I shook my head so i could get him out of my head and i took my book and walk to the librarian to borrow the book.

I came out of the library and ride to Mel's home.i haven't talked to her for days now.well she came over at my house after her date with my brother which I'm guessing went well cause ther'e together,i didn't talk to her even when she kept knocking on my door. 

i shouldn't of ignored her text,her calls and even when she came to my door.that was a good thing to do,she probally dosnt want to see me anymore but i really need to check on her.

i dropped the bike on the ground and ran up the stairs and knock the door and wait for her to answer.i waited from five minuets and then the door opened and her mom came out.

" are you"?"i'm good and you"?"i'm doing what brings you here"?" Mel here"?" she's in her room.come in"."ow, thank you".i ran to Mel's room and knock on the door that was slightly opened and she was laying on using her phone.

she got up from her bed and hugged me." mary.i missed you so much"!she squealed."I've missed you so too"." I'm sorry I didn' answer you".i pull away." it's okay.come in we have so much to catch up on".

we giggle and layed on her bed.i've missed her so much, I'm so stupid for forgetting her, she's my besfriend and I love her so damn much." so tell about your date and you and my brother".i said while smiling and wiggling my brows.

"he's so sweet and charming, he's like everything I longed for, ".she said doing Shakespeare and i laughed.this is why i love her she's so sweet, funny, very pretty and funny.

I think to stay the night over and let my mom know that I'm spending the night at her place.

Mel told me all about how they went to one of one of my mom's expensive restaurants and after that, he asked to be her boyfriend.i think that was very sweet, she deserves to be happy and I'm truly happy for her.

I'm not going back in any relationships sooner or later I'm just going to build a better relationship with my bestie.


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