Chapter 26

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Chaos was a good word to describe my house around the holidays with the exception of Thanksgiving Day. On Thanksgiving, me, my dad, uncles, and cousins all lounged around the living room like a bunch of gluttonous sloths, doing nothing but eat and watch football game after football game.

Christmas Day was insane, though. By the end of the day, I couldn't wait for it all to be over. Our house could barely handle the amount of people who showed up at out house. Chaos was the only word to describe it.

The morning was fun, though, even if we didn't get a lot of presents. I was interested to see what kind of presents a rich kid like Liam would get for Christmas.

"What are your buddies doing this weekend?" my dad asked during a commercial break.

He referred to Liam and Nick as my "buddies." I hadn't had a so-called "buddy" in a long time. JT and the others never came to my house. My parents never even met any of them.

"I don't know," I said. "I thought maybe they could hang out here."

"One of them has a car, right?" my dad said. "The one who broke your nose?"

"Yeah, Liam," I replied.

"You're a better man than I am," my dad said. "I don't think I could be friends with someone who broke my nose."

"I deserved it," I reminded him even though I never told my parents exactly how I "deserved it."

"Yeah yeah, that's what you say."

"Ssh, the game's back," Uncle Joe shushed us.

To piss everyone off and shock everyone for the hell of it, I briefly contemplated coming out, a little fed up with being in the closet, living with anxiety at the possibility that Natalie would suddenly and uncontrollably spill the beans before I got the chance. If I came out now, then this Thanksgiving would be one to never forget, then maybe my mother would be distracted enough to get her mind off Bobby, his absence painfully noticeable.

But then again, if I came out today, my parents may be even more devastated. I honestly had no idea how they'd react. I decided to keep my mouth shut.

If I were Nick, I was sure he would have announced "I'm gay" to everyone strictly for controversy's sake.

But I wasn't Nick. I wasn't sure I wanted to be him, dealing with whatever he was dealing with.

As my mind drifted to Nick, I wondered how he was doing, hoping he was safe. Nick must have been thinking of me, too, because as I looked down at my phone, I noticed a text from him.

'Happy Thanksgiving,' he texted, along with a turkey.

Liam also sent a similar text.

I missed them and wished they were here with me. I'd have to wait until the weekend to see them in-between working.

Unfortunately, Nick couldn't hang out over the weekend because he had some religious thing to do with his mother and Mr. McGuiness. He didn't give any details. I had to work both Black Friday and Saturday so Liam came over Saturday afternoon.

By the time I got home after work I found Liam sitting on the couch beside Natalie who seemed to have gotten over Nick, turning her attention to Liam instead.

How am I going to explain this one? I wondered.

"Hi," Liam said, standing up, removing his St. Ignatius Academy winter hat. He ran his fingers through his messy hair, a look of relief on his face.

"Nat, what are you doing to Liam?" I asked.

"Nothing," she said coyly. "Just keeping him company."

Liam couldn't get away fast enough, quickly following me down to my room.

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