Chapter 18

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Nick stood beside me, his arms folded over his muddy chest as we waited for Jeremy to finish. Even his blond hair was tangled in mud, only a few strands spared.

"Come on!" Nick shouted, pounding on the door. "Damn. He's taking forever."

As he pounded, I couldn't help but notice how cute Nick looked in his underwear.

"Hurry up!" he yelled. "My mom and Morrie will be home before you're done."

"Shut up," Jeremy shouted from the shower. "I'm not done yet."

Annoyed, Nick stormed off, disappearing for a few minutes. The kitchen wasn't too far away, only down the hall, so I was close enough to hear the opening and closing of cabinets, followed by the sounds of an automatic ice dispenser. Within a few minutes, Nick returned with a bucket full of ice.

"Uh... what are you doing with that?" I stupidly asked because I had a feeling I knew what he was doing.

"Ssh," he said, slowly and carefully turning the knob to the bathroom door.

From the doorway, I watched Nick tiptoe toward the shower. Just as he was about to open the curtain, Jeremy flung it open and instantly took the bucket of ice from him. Somehow Jeremy got ahold of his wrist and shoved ice cubes down the back of his underwear. Nick instantly cried out, laughing at the same time.

"Get the front quick," Jeremy said to me, holding him tightly as he squirmed and shrieked.

"No, don't..." Nick said as Jeremy held him by his waist.

"I don't know," I said, knowing I'd hate it if someone shoved ice cubes down the front of my underwear, so I wasn't sure I wanted to do it to Nick. But, after a few seconds, I decided Nick deserved to have ice cubes down his underwear since this was all his fault and his plan backfired on him.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Jeremy retorted as I cautiously approached them, Nick flailing and kicking his legs.

As Nick slithered away from him, Jeremy grabbed me by my shorts and stuck a few ice cubes in the front of my boxers, then some more in front of Nick's underwear.

"Fuck!" I shouted, pushing my shorts down to get the ice cubes out. Mud and water splattered all over the bathroom floor. If my mother ever saw anything like this, I'd be grounded for a month.

I inadvertently pushed Jeremy a little too hard, causing him to slip and hit his head on the bathtub. If I remembered correctly, I had done something like this to him before.

"Are you okay?" I asked as he massaged the back of his head.

"Uh... yeah..." he said.

"Okay... okay... truce," Nick said as Jeremy staggered to his feet. "Both of you, get out now. I need to get this shit off me."

Before leaving the bathroom with Jeremy, I threw some towels on the floor.

"How did you know he was there?" I asked, shivering in the hallway.

"Nick's pretty loud," he said. "Plus, I've seen enough pranks in my life."

With a towel around his waist, Jeremy headed down the hall to what I presumed to be Nick's bedroom.

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