Chapter 24

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Trigger Warning: This chapter contains images of sexual abuse and self-harm, which may be triggering for some readers.


During my last period of the day, Mr. Carlson, my history teacher, received a message from Principal Dewitt, a message for me. Instead of going to the lecture hall, I was instructed to see Father Davis instead. My luck had run out.

Why did I have to see him the day before Thanksgiving? I just wanted to do my detention and go hang out with Liam and Jeremy, then go home to look forward to gorging myself with turkey and apple pie.

Apparently I was the only student who still had detention and Father Davis didn't mind staying to make sure I paid for my crime of ditching school.

I really needed to learn how to behave. I could have waited until after school to see Jeremy, like Liam suggested, but I just couldn't wait. I didn't know how to wait.

As I entered the classroom, I found Father Davis sitting at his desk.

God, I hated that guy.

"Oh, hello, Nick," Father Davis said, standing up. Without saying anything, I went to one of the desks and sat down.

As usual, Father Davis walked around his desk and leaned against it, his arms folded over his pot belly, staring at me as I sat slouched.

"I missed you," he said.

I didn't miss you.

He stared at me for what felt like hours when it was probably only a few seconds.

"Take off your clothes and fold them," he ordered. "Put them over there," he said, pointing to a nearby desk.

Oh no. I hate it when he makes me take off my clothes.

I hate my body. I only want Liam and Jeremy looking at it and touching it.

"What if I don't want to?" I muttered. He gave me that stern look that told me "to do it or else."

I had almost about gotten used to being naked in front of Liam and Jeremy, but I would never get used to being naked in a classroom. Not only was the light bright, the classroom was cold.

When would I get the balls to put my foot down? Although I said no, it was a weak no and I let them do it to me over and over. What the fuck was wrong with me?

With his eyes on me, I looked down at the floor, my hands shaking, as I unbuttoned my shirt. He watched me fold up my clothes, placing them on the desk. Shameful tears fell, but he didn't care. No one ever cared.

"Sit on my desk," he said.

Since I was such a pathetic loser, I did as he said.

He had that hungry look in his eyes, a look I knew well and hated. I flinched as he placed a hand on my chest.

"I've really missed you," he said. I didn't think it had been that long, but maybe it was. Jeremy and Liam kept me busy these days.

As his hands roamed all over my body, I looked away. His hands were nothing like Jeremy's and Liam's. To Father Davis, I was nothing more than a whore, a piece of meat to enjoy or tear apart.

Closing my eyes, I laid back on the desk and waited, wondering how many boys Father Davis had on a weekly or even daily basis. I knew I wasn't the only one. I was probably one of the oldest ones now.

"I've missed you. You've been too good lately. I'm not encouraging you to skip school, but I do like it when you're naughty."

I wished someone would just kill me. I wished I had the strength to tell someone. How could I let him do this to me?

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