Chapter 4

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My train was late, which was typical for Boston trains. I even gave myself extra time, but I was still late. JT also forgot to mention that this girl, Gretchen's house was five miles away from the train station. He said it "was right around the corner." Right around the corner my ass. If I were smarter, I should have googled the address beforehand so I knew what I was in for. But I was just a dumb ass.

Gretchen's house was just as big as all the other houses on her street with perfectly groomed lawns, trees, and front bushes and shrubs. I bet their house had automatic sprinklers that went off even in the rain. I hated those people. What a waste of money and water.

Just before ringing the doorbell, I took a deep breath. Let's get this over with, I thought to myself. After a few seconds, a girl with long blond hair came to the door. She wore black leggings with silver glitter all over them. Her tight-fitting shirt ended right above her belly button. JT's girlfriends all seemed to look like Gretchen one way or another.

"Hi...I...I'm Jeremy," I said. Why did I have to be so nervous all the time?

"You're late!" JT shouted from inside the house. I was almost an hour late.

"We're right in here," the blond girl said as I followed her into a large, yet immaculate living room. I mean, it was like a museum, especially compared to my house, which was always a mess. Everything was so white and so clean, I was afraid to sit down. Since it was nearly dusk, dim light shone through the high cathedral ceiling. On one of the couches was a dark-haired girl, her hair falling perfectly over her bare shoulders. She wore one of those off-the-shoulder blouses. Smiling at me, she pushed her hair off a shoulder, already trying to flirt with me. I was never sure how to act around girls. My sisters didn't count.

"This is my friend, Brianna," Gretchen said. I just nodded in her direction.

While JT sat on the couch, his sneakers off, his feet resting on the coffee table as if he lived there. He also held a beer in his hand. Judging by the amount of empty beer cans on the coffee table, I'd say JT had been there awhile. In addition to the beer cans, I spotted a bottle of vodka beside a bottle of cranberry juice. Brianna held a glass full of red-colored liquid. I assumed it wasn't just cranberry juice.

"Sit down, you loser," JT said half-jokingly. Assuming the dark-haired girl was my date, I sat on the same couch as her. She sat on one end and I sat all the way on the other end.

What did I get myself into? Ever since Bobby's death, I promised myself I wouldn't drink. Stupid promise. I should never have made a promise I couldn't keep. Now I was stuck because everyone in the room expected me to drink. If I didn't drink, then JT would never let me live it down. dad will kill me if he ever found out.

Fuck this shit.

"Can I get you something to drink?" Gretchen asked while that Brianna girl batted her eyelashes at me. She was pretty and everything, but I wasn't sure she was my type.

"" I stammered, not really sure how to respond. "I...well..."

"Have a beer, you idiot," JT said with a laugh. "It's not like you drive." I had a license; I just didn't have a car. I took public transportation everywhere.

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