Past Pt 2: Min Yoongi

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March 2,2011
Yoongi age 13

The smoke filled my lungs, fuzzing the pain in my head, silencing the voices. Blowing the smoke out, I turned over to my dealer, Jinwoo. "How much?" I asked, leaning against the slightly damp brick wall of the alley, trying to take shallow breaths as to not inhale too much of the horrid stench of the trash besides us.

"50,000 won"(about equivalent to $43 usd)He said in reply, looking a bit sickly with his extra pale skin and blood shot eyes that shot around like fireflies, probably in attempt to not get caught.

I sighed, pulling out my wallet."I'll buy three." I said, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the money."How can a freshmen like you afford so much?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow.

I just returned the look, causing him to flinch slightly despite being a whole 10 centimeters taller than me."Does it really matter?" I asked, inhaling more of the drug, passing him the money in return for the small bags filled with powder.

He shrugged."Not really, I just wanted to know." Jinwoo replied, shoving the giant wad of money into his coat pocket.

My parents are pretty well off. My father is a surgeon and my mother a dance instructor for famous people. I get a monthly allowance and most of it goes into this....... drugs. I got addicted to it in middle school when my older brother introduced me to cocane.

He's in college now and that left me with my controlling parents. They want to turn me into a surgeon like my father while my brother peruses law.

I always hated my family, pushing me to be and do things I don't want to. In the end, they're the ones that fucked up my life and turned me to drugs. After the transaction was done, Jinwoo scurried off with the fatest grin I've ever seen on a sickly boy before I walked out of the alley and into the bright night lights radiating from each building, squinting in attempt to get my eyes to adjust.

Feeling the small packets of the drug in my coat pocket, the walk signal turned green and I stepped out onto the road, starting to feel the full effect of the drug wash over me, my sight bluring slightly and head feeling full and fuzzy.
I quietly shut the door behind me, looking down at my phone indicating that it was past midnight. Tiptoeing towards the stairs, a voice halted me, my eyes closing as I sighed from being caught.

"Where the hell were you?" Geum-jae asked, standing up from the lounging chair and turning on the lamp in the dark living room, crossing his arms.

Not looking him the eyes, I stared down at the polished hardwood floors, filling knowing the cleaning crew had been here hours ago."None of your business."I mumbled, instantly knowing it was the wrong words to use.

"What the hell Yoongi?! You know how worried mom and dad get! You've been skipping school, staying out long after curfew and coming home high as fuck!" He yelled at me as my head snapped up to look at my brother dead in the eyes.

"Yeah, I know you're doing drugs." He said quieter, looking up at the stairs hoping that his screaming hadn't woken up the parents but I knew they were going to come down the stairs complaining in a little bit.

"You don't know shit." I growled, starting up the stairs until he crossed the room in a few quick strides and grabbed my forearm. I hated him for his height.

"If you don't get your act together, I will tell the parents about everything you've been doing. You're only 13, if you get hurt or in serious trouble-"

"I'll be fine." I resorted, yanking my arm out of his grasp. He just looked at me with a sad, pitiful and wounded look.

"Yeah, you're only fine because I've been covering for you. I'm serious Yoongi, if you don't change, I'll tell the parents and they'll send you to doctors to make you change." Geum-Jae said, looking at me with dead serious eyes as I mierly nodded.

"You're only going to be home for a year so, I'll go along with you for that long. Just know that you were the one to get me hooked on drugs in the first place. What would mother and father say or do when they find out that my addiction was branched off from your experimentation?" The smug look on my face made my brother get tense and I knew I had gotten to him.

In all honestly, I love my brother to death, we've been close friends since childhood and always had each other backs. But lately, our age gap has been showing as he has been acting more and more like a parent than a close friend and it scares me what might happen to us.

If our friendship is already sinking, why not make it sink faster?

"You're messed up." Geum-Jae said, indicating that he'd submit for now.

"I know what I am..... but what are you?"

"Boys? What was all the commotion earlier?" It was our father.

"Nothing dad, Yoongi and I just came down to get some water and he spilled some on me and I overreacted." Geum-Jae called up, looking at me.

"Okay..... you two should head to bed, you have school tomorrow." Our fathers sleepy voice called down as he headed back towards his room.

"Get in any trouble in the last year I'm here and I'll rat you out, got it?" He growled, starting up the grand stairway.

"And rat me out any sooner and I'll pull you down with me." I replied, following after him.

Nothing but silence followed as we dispersed to our separate room.

And I could tell that our friendship had ended.

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