The Beach

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The setting sun reflected crimson ripples onto the water, almost as if the waves themselves were on fire. In the coolness of the evening air, goosebumps raced over my arms and legs. Sighing, I sat up to gather my belongings. 

Looking across the now deserted beach, peppered with half made sandcastles, I saw something glinting in the sand. Once I had packed up my things I walked towards the shining object.

As I drew closer I could see that it was a mobile phone, lying face down. Beside it were two odd socks, half buried in the sand. Bending down to pick up the phone,  I realised that it was only the cover. Strange. Perhaps someone had discarded it by mistake? As I picked it up, a small piece of paper fluttered down onto the sand. Sitting down, I unfolded it and began to read:

If you are reading this message. Run! Don't look round. Don't hesitate. Run!

Ignoring the command, I immediately jerked my head around, looking for whoever was playing such a childish prank on me.

The sky suddenly turned black. Like the dead of night, only, even darker due to the absence of the moon. It was as if someone had thrown a thick blanket over the sky, obscuring all light. I fumbled in my bag, feeling for my phone, and just as my fingers curled around the familiar smooth surface, a blinding light flashed before my eyes. Pain shot through my brain as my hands flew up in an attempt to shield myself from the offending light.

Just as quickly as it appeared it was gone. Leaving me in complete darkness once again. Only this time I knew that I was not alone. Sharp, rasping breaths sent shivers down my spine, as I felt the warm air on the back of my neck.

"You should have run." Were the last words I heard before the darkness consumed me.

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