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How quickly they scatter,
those you thought would protect you.
Not a thought not a care,
self survival their main concern.

You stand here alone,
to face the menace entirely,
you wish you'd been better prepared
and chose your people more wisely.

As you watch them disappear,
you can feel him drawing near.
The outline becoming more defined, heartrate increasing fear is blinding.

There's no-one left to protect you,
it's only you who stands here proud,
For even if it's death that awaits,
you'll do so with your head held high.

The icy cold envelopes you,
snow tipped fingers cutting through,
your very soul into your heart,
you feel sure it'll rip you apart.

The freezing pain surges all around,
then quickly turns to something else,
It's burning hot, blood boiling heat,
you feel your legs give out beneath.

The end is near, your breath is shallow,
you know deep down there's no tomorrow.
You see his face, it fills your vision,
not quite real, more apparition.

He picks you up in a twisted embrace,
you feel his breath upon your face.
Say your goodbyes to all you know,
you're now his lover, to hell you go.

Say your goodbyes to all you know, you're now his lover, to hell you go

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