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Inspired by the capture of Harper Cain (Savage Wings: Book Three in The Whitechapel Chronicles)

Don't close your eyes
you don't want to miss a thing.
I know it's hard when you
cannot move your limbs.
It's for your own safety
for if you were to lash out
they would tear each limb  
one by one until you could
no longer breathe.

You made your choice
to save the one you love.
The reason you're still alive
is that he shares that adoration.
Your courage is noted
your sacrifice is revered.
In the end your fate was set
as soon as they brought you here.

All you can do is wait
and take the pain they inflict
time and time again
they never tire of this game.
Sworn enemies you may be
your killer instinct is strong
but this is personal now
he's wanted you all along.

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