The Devil Man

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"So, you must be very brave, being here tonight?" the hellish voice asked him, with more than a hint of condescension in his tone.

The man hesitated. If he admitted that right up until this very moment he had felt brave, it would quickly become clear, that this was no longer his present state.

His hands were already trembling and if he tried to speak he knew that his voice would come out uncertain and shaky. Nothing could have prepared him for the sight that now stood before him.

"Ah, the strong silent type. My favourite!" the Demons hissed, with a grotesque grin stretching his mouth to each side of his sunken cheeks.

All the man could think of was a rhyme from his childhood and said it over and over in his head to try and remain calm.

"The Devil Man is coming, the Devil Man is here,

Don't let him know you're scared, don't let him sense your fear.

Keep your wits about you, never let down your guard,

The Devil Man is coming and he's hunting for your heart."

As you can imagine, this wasn't exactly doing anything to calm his nerves. The Devil Man was indeed coming and was, in fact, here and most worrying of all, was the way he was looking longingly at the man's chest as if it contained everything he ever wanted in the world. Which of course, it did.

  Which of course, it did

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