Final Plea

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The walls have eyes,
I feel them,
they are boring into me.
They watch my every movement,
there's nothing they can't see.

I feel the room expanding,
like a breathing entity.
Who will save me from this madness?
I've been trapped for an eternity.

The shadows seem to whisper,
incantations I can't understand.
It feels like they are instructing me,
to use the blade that's in my hand.

I pray for one last time to a God,
in which I've never believed,
Someone save me from this nightmare,
please grant me some reprieve?

But no one answers my orison,
I am alone in every way,
As the darkness reaches for me,
I'm not sure I'll survive another day.

But no one answers my orison, I am alone in every way,As the darkness reaches for me, I'm not sure I'll survive another day

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Dark AttractionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora