Authors Note & Surprise

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Holy crap, wow. Thank you all SO much! I can't believe I've actually stuck with a book and finished it! I have to say, I'm quite proud of myself.

Anyways, back onto the topic at hand: Letters To Arix is officially completed. Never thought I'd say it, and never thought I'd actually be able to. But here I am, and here it is - completed. I have to thank you all immensely, to the moon and back, for all your love and support and for reading, sharing, and commenting! I'm ecstatic about the response I've gotten from you all! I never thought it'd get this popular (I had hoped, but I tried my best to be realistic) and then we hit 1,000, then 2,000...and so on! I felt amazing and people liked my work! People were reading, and liking it!

Now, I'm getting off track. I've had my time to thank you, now onto the surprise that I'm sure you're all excited to hear about (I really hope so)!

Honestly, I've gotten quite attached to these characters, and I can't let them go just yet. And thus the Letters To Arix sequel is born!

Now, I'm not totally positive it'll get to the point of being published but I'm working on it. It's coming along slowly but I will work my hardest to write it for you all.

I'll wrap this up now. Basically, thank you so much and the sequel will be out soon (soon as in I'm not really sure when, like a while or something haha). And that's it!

I love you all,

Hannah xx

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