Chapter Twenty Six "I'm just trying to protect us."

Start from the beginning

I was taken back by the tone he used to talk to me.

"What did I do?"

"Tyler." He raised an eyebrow.

I nudged Austin, "What was that all about?" "I didn't know you were still talking to Tyler." "Well yeah we're friends. Does that bother you?" "Actually yeah a little bit. He's an asshole and I don't like him."

I rolled my eyes. "Just because we're dating dosn't mean you have control over my friend choice."

"What did you tell him."

"Excuse me?" Austin was being so rude right now.

"I said what did you tell him."

"Almost everything...excluding the Dean part."

"What!" He yelled.

I took 2 steps back. He was starting to scare me.

"Elena, people know what I do. If more and more people know I'll be in deep shit. Why would you even do that!"

"I-I didn't want to lie to him, I hate lying to people!" I cried.

"Sometimes the truth can't always come out."

"It's better to be slapped with truth than kissed with a lie." I sighed. "You need to calm down."

Austin's chest moved up and down vigorously.

"Don't tell me what to do." He spat.

"Stop acting like you own me!"

He grabbed my wrist viciously pulling me forewards. "Stop acting like such a dumb bitch and I wouldn't have to act like this."

I paused, taking in his words.

"Let go of me." I tried pulling my wrist out of his grip. I could feel my eyes begin to water. "I guess I'm a dumb bitch."

He let go immediatly. "Fuck." He pulled at the ends of his hairs. "No, baby I- I didn't mean it. Please don't cry Elena."

Austin grabbed my face with his hands and kissed my forehead. He pressed his forehead against mine and stroked my cheeks with his thumbs.

"I'm just trying to protect us." He whispered.

"Why are you acting like this torwards me?"

"It's just the way I am, I can't change it."

I frowned. "So it's something I have to get used to?"

"No it's not like that it's...complicated." He let go of me and walked to his car. "Get in. I'm taking you to my house."


"He needs to rot in hell. No, more than that. How could he fucking do that to her? That makes me so disgusted. I want to rip him to pieces with my own hands! I just can't-"

"Babe, please settle down." Alex rested his hands on Sarah's shoulders.

I knew Sarah would have been told sooner or later. I guess Alex went with sooner.

Sean came storming into the front door. His knuckles were all bloody and he had a cut on his lip.

Robert stood up from the couch. "Bro, what the fuck happened?"

"Deans guys is what happened. I got in an altercation with Derek. He's going to be making more and more moves until the big attack. This is just the start."

Zach spoke up. "What do we do?"

"Carry fucking guns on us, Be watch dogs on your girls. I don't know. We need to be ready for any little thing now. Meanwhile, I'm making an important call to someone who can help us with our first attack."

I looked over to Ausin who was leaned up against the wall by the kitchen. He noticed that I was looking at him and walked over to me. "We need to talk."

We both went upstairs to his bedroom.

I sat down on the bed and Austin shut the door.

"I can't go to school anymore."

"What? So you're dropping out? You can't!"

He shook his head. "I have to."

"What about graduating and prom!"

He chuckled. "Did you even think for one second that I would graduate? I don't care about any of that shit."

"So what are you going to be doing?"

How can he not be going to school anymore? He's just giving up.

"I have to watch out for this bastard. We can't be sitting in a classroom knowing Dean is planning to destroy us."

"Wait, 'we'? All of you guys are dropping out!"

"Elena we have no other choice. You know we have to do this."

"What if he gets me on my way to school or even comes in the school? You told me yourself he'll do anything."

He grabbed onto my hands and kneeled in front of me. "He won't. I promise."

"I just really don't want to relive that moment again." I cried in fear.

"I know baby, I know. I'm here to protect you."

Austin got on the bed and wrapped his arms around me.

"Things are getting bad. It's actually starting."

"We'll get him." He kissed my cheek. "He won't ever be seen again once we get his hands on him."


Austin's Point of View

Elena was uspstairs taking a nap on my bed. Meanwhile, I was sitting on one of the steps of the back porch. I really would do anything to not only protect Elena, but everyone I know. We took him down once and we'll do it agin, just this time Dean be dead by the end of it.

I actually never realized how much Elena meaned to me. I care about her so damn much man.

I admit, I was afraid to love. Not just love, but to love her. For she was a stunning mystery. She carried things deep inside her that no one has yet to understand, and I, I was afraid to fail, like the others.

She was the ocean and I was just a boy who loved the waves but was completly terrified to swim.


This chapter is dedicated toMahonesDaBae for her amazing comment. You know what to do.

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