Chapter 17: Reset

Start from the beginning

"You would've killed him, Bell. We both know you would've gotten too angry and lost control and you'd have killed him. We would have never found the antidote." Rory says, shaking her head. She looks away from the sleeping grounder and over to Bellamy. "Bellamy? I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"For losing my cool on the radio to Marcus. For telling him you're alive." Rory answers. She pulls her knees up to her chest and lets out a sigh.

Bellamy shakes his head. It wasn't her fault, not really. "He gave me your backpack, he knew I was alive."

"Yeah but not if you'd survived the crash." Rory says before dropping quiet. "I've never lost it like that before."

"I know who you are, Ro. The last year might've made me think I didn't but I know really I always have." Bellamy mutters. He reaches over and lifts her face up to look at him. "Clarke spoke to me, told me what you'd said. We're both really worried about you and I want you to know we're both here for you whenever you need us. When you need Clarke, she'll be there. When you need me, I'll be there."

They're both quiet for a few minutes before Rory nods her head and Bellamy lets go of her. "I don't want space, Bellamy." She says confidently. "It's not helping us, it's just making us both worse."

Bellamy nods his head, agreeing with her completely. Something had definitely changed between them over the past year but they still cared about each other. The only way to work out where they are, to work out what they are, is to actually talk and be with each other. "I'm sorry, for what I said the other day. I didn't mean any of it, if you died I'd go crazy. It was the heat of the moment, I was mad at you for calling me out and mad at the Ark for coming down. My life the last year without you in it was the worst year of my life, I never want to go through that again. I want you in my life."

"I'm sorry too. I'm really glad you're still here, Bell. I wouldn't wanna do this Earth thing with anyone else." She says with a small smile. She leans over and rests her head on his shoulder, letting out a small laugh. "We've gotta stop doing this."

"Doing what?"

"Fighting and then pretending like everything is fine once one of us is in danger."

Bellamy nods his head and then rests it against hers. "We need to start being honest with each other again. That's why everything worked up there, we didn't hide anything." He says quietly. He reaches down and takes hold of Rory's hand, interlocking it with his and rests them on his lap, just like he had done so many times before in front of that one particular window on the Ark. Slowly but surely, they're making their way back to who they used to be. They're making their way back to being Rory and Bellamy, the two best friends who should've never met.

"Can we start tomorrow?" Rory asks, lifting her head and glancing at Bellamy with a small smile. "I'm way too tired."

Bellamy nods his head, smiling back at her. "I'll go get Clarke, she said she wanted to check you over once you woke up." He tells her. He places a small kiss on her temple and starts to stand up. Rory holds onto his hand a little longer than necessary, making Bellamy laugh slightly when she reluctantly lets go when he starts to walk to the ladder.

Rory shifts to make herself more comfortable as Bellamy walks over to the ladder. He glances at her one last time before making his way down the levels to find Clarke. Once he has gone, Rory is alone with her thoughts. She thinks back over their time on the ground and she realise that, for probably the first time in a year, she's starting to feel content. She's starting to feel whole again. She smiles slightly to herself as she leans her head against the wall, closing her eyes.

"Thank you." A hoarse voice calls out making Rory's eyes dart open.

She looks over in the direction of the voice and realises it came from the grounder. Rory is silent for a moment as she looks at the man, the man that saved her life hours before and the man she willingly got electrocuted for.

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