Epilogue (One)

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Everything was set up perfectly. Months of planning and years of mental preparation had taken place. Victor stood at the end of the aisle waiting for his beloved to walk down it. The wedding had traditional themes but there wasn't much for the minister to do except have the two read their vows. Vincent was their photographer. Adrian was the pocket tissue dispenser. Everything was going exactly according to plan. 

Otabek began to play the piano. He had accepted that role in this wedding. To be honest, he was just thrilled that he could be a part of their big day. He would do anything for them. They were the dream couple in high school and he would always support them to the best of his ability. Everyone in their graduating class had secretly sworn in their hearts to protect Victor and Yuuri's relationship. 

The music filled the church. It echoed off the walls which made the whole thing all the more beautiful. The doors opened and Yuuri stepped through them. He walked down the aisle with a long white cape attached to his suit that resembled a dress. Victor started crying. Yuuri was already crying. It had taken them a long time to reach this point. After a tough start in high school and a rough four years, the two were finally standing here, at the alter, waiting to be wed. The day they'd been dreaming about was finally here. 

The minister spoke the vows for each of them to repeat in unison. They smiled. They cried. Their hands were joined together and everyone in that church was simply happy to be there for them. The ceremony ended. Phichit ran to the newlyweds and demanded photos. He wasn't going to accept 'no' for an answer. This was a day to be remembered. He demanded documented happiness. 

"Are you Yuuri Nikiforov or Victor Katsuki? Or did you do Nikiforov-Katsuki or Katsuki-Nikiforov?" Phichit interrogated. Yuuri had always secretly wondered if he would ever become a news reporter. The job suited him. Maybe an article writer for the newspaper would be better. Why not a blog? Phichit was tech-y after all. 

"We kept our names the way they were," Yuuri admitted, "changing them seemed too complicated."

"He is lying," Victor confessed. "He is Yuuri Katforov and I'm now Victor Nikisuki."

"Victor!" Yuuri playfully slapped Victor's arm. "That isn't true! Don't get weird ideas into his head. Phichit has enough of those already. Have you read any of the stories he has written about us? He has too much of a weird imagination as it is," Yuuri sighed. 

"What? You didn't like my fanfiction?" Phichit frowned. "I spent so much time on that too."

"Was it smutty?" Victor snickered. Yuuri blushed.

Phichit wiggled his eyebrows, "You wish it was, don't you?" he laughed. 

"Please stop," Yuuri couldn't handle this anymore. He was supposed to be having a great time on his wedding day, not being embarrassed out of his mind. That wasn't part of the deal.

"I'll go easy on you, this time," Phichit winked. "See you two at the reception. I'll be ringing the glass nonstop! I want all of the kissing footage!" He waved and disappeared into the crowd.

"Congratulations," Otabek walked over to the newlyweds.

"Thank you so much for helping with the planning," Yuuri might start crying all over again. This guy was a saint disguised as a human. He would prove it one day. Otabek had to be hiding wings somewhere. 

"Consider it my wedding present. I can't afford anything else," Otabek smiled, just a bit. 

"Congratulations," Yuri muttered underneath his breath. He didn't want to say it at all but Otabek convinced him. Why did he allow Otabek to drag him to this in the first place? He wanted to stay home and sleep. Witnessing two idiots get married wasn't his cup of tea. 

"Thank you," Victor said. "I hope you'll invite us to your future wedding too."

"What?!" Yuri's voice got just a bit louder. "Who said I was getting married?!" Victor and Yuuri looked at each other. Their eyes laughed but they didn't say anything else. Otabek and Yuri left for the reception as well. 

"Weddings are so tiring," Yuuri sighed and sunk into the car's seat. Greeting all of the guests had taken a lot out of him. Yuuri leaned his head on Victor's shoulder. It was finally time for the two to make their way over to the reception. He was so hungry but he couldn't eat a ton of stuff. Yuuri gained weight too easily, not that Victor would mind. Victor liked the idea of a plump Yuuri. He would make for a great pillow. 

"Yeah," Victor grabbed Yuuri's hand. "But it's worth it in the end."

Yuuri smiled, "I love you, Victor."

"I should hope so."

"Idiot this is where you say 'I love you too.'"

"Oh, sorry, I didn't get the script."

"Victor!" Yuuri looked up at Victor and frowned. He wasn't being very romantic. He had one job and he was failing as a husband already. 

"I love you too, Yuuri."

"Adrian, did you get that on tape?" Vincent whispered not-so-quietly.

"I've got it," Adrian gave Vincent a thumbs up. 

"We should've hired a chauffeur," Yuuri sighed. "Your parents are great but they're a little creepy sometimes."

"Yuuri!" Vincent gasped, clearly offended. "We're your parents now too! I will only answer you if you refer to me as 'Daddy'" Vincent frowned. 

"He can't call you 'Daddy' that's for Victor," Adrian snickered.

"He has a point," Victor agreed.

"Papa then. He can call me 'Papa'" Vincent corrected.

"I'm not calling you anything except 'Vincent'!" Yuuri announced. How many times would he have to get embarrassed today? Wasn't once enough?

"It was worth a shot," Vincent laughed. 

Yuuri and Victor remained silent for the rest of the drive. They just wanted to enjoy the peace and quiet before the loudness of the reception hall. Yuuri was hungry. Victor was getting hungry too. Both of them were dying to sleep but the excitement of it all was keeping them going. Each hoped that the rest of their lives would be as thrilling as today was. It would be. They'd make it that way. 

"I love you, Victor," Yuuri whispered.

"I love you too, Yuuri," Victor smiled. 

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