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Otabek wasn't expecting to meet who he did that night. He had just wandered into the supermarket so that he could get some food for the next couple of days. How was he to know that he would meet them? Otabek wanted to live a peaceful life away from anyone related to him by blood. He just wanted to be free. However, that dream was but a dream. He could never be free from his past or anything of the sort. He was doomed to a life of miserable encounters and terrible circumstances. He was but a dreamer, longing for the things that he could never obtain. 

He had no knowledge of the phone call that Yuri received just moments after the two had separated. He had no knowledge of Yuri's grandfather's condition. All he knew was that he desperately wanted to leave this supermarket. He wanted to avoid them at all costs. One single moment of eye contact could bring piles of memories back from the depths of his mind. He didn't need another breakdown. He'd already had one just recently. Once was enough. Once would always be enough.

Otabek let his guard down for a moment when he saw a good deal on some groceries. He had made one fatal mistake. He should've just left the store right when he saw them there. But he didn't. He didn't and he regretted it with all of his being. He was an idiot. This mistake would be fatal. He should've trusted his gut from the moment he sensed that things were wrong. 

"Otabek? Honey, is that you?" the sound of his mother's voice behind him was enough to make Otabek freeze. The last thing he needed right now was a conversation filled with lies. But, it didn't just end there, no, it got much worse.

"Darling, come see who it is, it's our dear boy," the mother called down the aisle. The man turned and the father's eyes met with the son's. Otabek wasn't just frozen now. He could barely breathe. He felt as if the area around him was closing in on his body. He felt his mind return to that of a ten year old boy. He remembered the walls of the closet he'd been locked in. He wanted nothing more than to leave that store. He wanted nothing more than to leave and forget that this interaction had taken place at all. What was he to do? His body wasn't responding to any of his wishes.

"Otabek, it's good to see you again," the father placed his hands on his son's shoulders. Otabek was frozen in place forced to look in his father's eyes. He hated every minute of it. He could feel the hypocrisy of this conversation between him and his parents. These were the same people that told him they never wanted to see his face again. Why were they suddenly acting all friendly? Something wasn't right. Every fiber of his being was telling him to run. Why wouldn't his body listen to his brain? Why couldn't he run as far as he could in the opposite direction?

"We were just about to make our purchases," his mother began. "would you be a dear and help us pack the car? We're not as young as we used to be, you know?" 

He wanted nothing more than to yell 'no' but he found himself nodding instead. Perhaps if he did this single act they would leave him alone. His parents were the ones that kicked him out. Why were they being so strange? Was it because this was a public place? Otabek didn't want to follow them to their car. He didn't want to help them with their groceries. But he did. He cursed himself for every second that he stayed beside them.

"Thank you so much for helping us," his mother smiled. Otabek cringed. He still hadn't been able to get his mouth to work. He still wasn't able to move his body the way he wanted to. Was this some sort of next level sorcery? Why was he so scared? Why couldn't he act the way he wanted to? 

"We really appreciate it," his mother's eyes glimmered in a way that Otabek knew was dangerous. He needed to leave. Like right now.

Otabek made a run for it. He turned on his heel and ran as fast as his legs could possibly carry him. He didn't look back and he didn't dare go home. If his parents found out where he lived his nightmares would only continue. Did they want him dead? Apparently so.

He stopped when his legs wouldn't take him any further. He tripped over a rock and barely caught his balance. Was he safe? His heartbeat was the fastest it had ever been in a long time. He should've taken P.E. more seriously. It would've saved him at a time like this.

Otabek had let his guard down too soon. He could only catch a glimpse of arms wrapping around him and a cloth being pressed against his face. He struggled but it was futile. He should've known that his father was a fast runner. He shouldn't have thought running away would save him. Otabek cursed himself for the last time before he felt his consciousness fading. The last thing he remembered was the backseat of his parents' car. 

Was this technically still a kidnapping? Why were his own parents doing this to him? An image of the angelic painting of Yuri flashed in his mind. Would he ever see Yuri again? Or would this be the time he finally lost his life? Otabek didn't know how to feel. He didn't even know what to think of in his final moments of consciousness. So, he just thought of Yuri.

We brought you into this world, we should have the right to take you out of it.

You never should've come to that store tonight, Otabek.

It's time to say your final farewells.

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