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It was just another day in school for him. He'd wake up, he'd go to school, he'd cry about how he was in school, then the day would end and he would go home. Nothing special was supposed to happen that day. Nothing out of the ordinary. It was no one's birthday. There were no sports games after school. There were no clubs for him to attend. Victor should've experienced the blandness of his own life, once again, but he hadn't.

Something did happen that day. Something Victor wasn't expecting. Victor was in the lunchroom trying to get a vending machine to work. He wasn't about to try and eat whatever it was they were serving today, but he needed something in his stomach. The cursed machine kept eating and spitting out his one and only $5 bill. What was he supposed to do now? He just wanted to get that lonely bag of chips! He just wanted to satisfy his stomach, just a bit, before suffering through the second half of the day! Time was running out and the machine still wouldn't take his cash. That's when it happened. An angel appeared next to him and spoke a few sentences Victor would never forget.

"You need exact change for that machine. Here, you can borrow this from me," the angel outstretched his hand to give Victor the divine coins. Tears ran down Victor's cheeks. If he wasn't too stunned by this holy man's appearance, he would've knelt to the ground and bowed down in his beauty. 

"Thank you," Victor said. He turned back to the machine and finished his quest. The chips fell from their unholy cage and Victor held them up with pride. He had found the Holy Grail! He had discovered El Dorado! Victor turned around to thank his mysterious savior again, but he was nowhere to be found. From that day forward, Victor made a vow, he would seek out his angel and pay him back double what he owed. Unfortunately, Victor had no such luck. He didn't realize it at the time but the very person who had saved him that day, was also the very person who was the most sought after in the whole school. Men and women alike sought his attention. Victor had to be careful or he would be put on the hit list filled with people that got too close to the sacred one. Victor was too young to die, so he forced himself to watch from the shadows. He would be another silent follower of Yuuri Katsuki. There wasn't much else to be done. 

Weeks had passed, then months, then the school year had been brought to a close. Before he knew it, the summer had passed as well. Victor hadn't done anything productive. He hadn't searched for any colleges and he hadn't figured out what job he would go to school for. He didn't care at this point what happened. If he had to survive by having fifteen part-time jobs, he would do just that. Victor had no dreams. He had no goals. His entire existence was based on going with the flow. He'd go to community college, get some bogus degree, and then search for work. Whatever happened, happened. 

His senior year began. He was introduced to his new classes, teachers, and classmates. Everything was going just as it had the past three years. Except, this time, he had a class with Yuuri Katsuki. Not only did they have the same class but the two sat so close to each other during attendance! Never in his life had Victor been so thankful that his last name began with an 'N.' Never before in his life had he looked forward to P.E. everyday. 

Today they were jogging. Victor thanked the universe for this. He'd be able to jog just far enough behind Yuuri that he wasn't invading his space, but just close enough that he would be able to admire him. The sunlight shining on his hair and face. The wind blowing his hair in just the right way. His hair bobbing up and down with each step that he took. The sweat causing his shirt to stick to him in all the right places so Victor could admire his muscles all the more. Victor was in heaven. It was official. He had died and been sent to heaven. Nothing would be better than this all year. He only dreaded the day when the semester changed and he wouldn't be able to silently stare at Yuuri any longer. 

The teacher blew the whistle and everyone stopped jogging. It was time to get a drink and relax. Victor followed Yuuri inside to the water fountain. There were only two so Victor got to stand behind Yuuri and wait. Although he tried very hard to control himself, Victor couldn't stop his eyes from trying to examine Yuuri's rear end. 

When Yuuri had his fill he turned around and nearly ran into Victor. "Sorry, I didn't know you were there," he smiled. Victor could feel his heart skip a beat. 

"It's fine," Victor replied. He cursed himself for not saying more. Even if he'd wanted to, he couldn't, because a group of girls from a nearby class swarmed Yuuri. They all began to talk to him whilst ignoring that Victor existed. Victor was used to this though. This was the story of his life. He was always being pushed around for some reason or another. 

After getting his drink of water, he returned outside. The sunlight burned his eyes. There were only ten more minutes left of class so he plopped down on the grass and enjoyed the sunlight on his skin. It was warm. The breeze was just enough to keep him from getting too hot. He listened to the wind and the distant conversations of his classmates. If only this school had a napping class instead of a physical education course. 

"Victor," a voice whispered from the heavens. Victor opened his eyes to see Yuuri staring down at him, "the bell is going to ring soon, don't you want to get changed?" Victor wasn't sure what was more shocking, the fact that Yuuri knew his name or the fact that Yuuri was concerned about him. In either case, he was sh00k. Words would not escape his mouth because he didn't have the capacity to make words, that's how sh00k he was. 

"Can you get up?" Yuuri asked. He outstretched his hand and the sunlight shone behind him in such a fashion that he had a halo. Victor gladly accepted the hand of his angel and was assisted to his feet. 

"Thank you," Victor smiled. Yuuri smiled too. The two made their way into the guy's locker room to change. After all of this time, Victor hadn't noticed that Yuuri's locker was right next to his. How had he survived without staring at Yuuri as he changed? Victor realized that his mind must've been trapped in a permanent stage of denial, and that is how he hadn't made a fool of himself all of this time. Victor changed out of his sweaty gym clothes and grabbed his bag. The two waited side by side on the bench in the locker room, waiting, for the bell to ring. This was the most interaction Victor has had with Yuuri all year.  

The bell rang and the school day ended. Victor made his way to the bus and traveled home. He replayed the events over and over again in his mind. He would need to write this all down in his journal when he got home, to assure himself that it wasn't a dream when he woke up the next day. Things were looking promising for him. He might actually manage to be friends with Yuuri before the semester ended!

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