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One week had passed. Yuuri was still avoiding Victor. It didn't matter how many times Victor crossed paths with him. It didn't matter how many times Victor waved or smiled. Yuuri was determined never to talk to him again. Victor was determined to try and get Yuuri to talk to him. Yuuri didn't talk to Phichit either. He assumed his childhood friend was still mad and always would be. He was a mess and was trying to fix it all with some hair gel. It wasn't working. Nothing was working.

Victor sighed. He'd made all the proper arrangements. Waiting was the hardest part. The school's talent show wasn't for another week. He sighed again. He hadn't done a single thing wrong but Yuuri was avoiding him like the plague. He hated not being able to do anything. It made him feel useless. Not that he ever believed he had much use to begin with. 

"Well, I guess that's just proof he feels guilty?" Victor asked the air. "That has to mean he still likes me, right?" Victor plopped down on the grass and sighed again. He wanted to go home but he missed his bus. 

"Victor?" Otabek walked over and sat by Victor. "What are you doing?" Had he missed his bus too? Or was he here for some event? Victor didn't know. To be honest, he didn't care either. It was nice to have someone to talk to. 

"I'm becoming one with the earth. Isn't it obvious?" 

"Something is wrong with you and Yuuri, isn't it?" Otabek asked. Victor didn't talk to Otabek much. He was one of Yuuri's friends, not his. Aside from sitting at his lunch table in the past, the two barely crossed paths. He wasn't surprised that Otabek noticed something was wrong. It was the talk of the town. He also wasn't surprised that Otabek asked him about it immediately. The guy just seemed like the type to worry about others. 

"Kind of," Victor admitted. There wasn't a point in lying about it. Everyone and their uncle knew by now. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Otabek asked. "I'm a good listener, or so I've been told."

"You like the other Yuri, right? How have you been able to go this long without knowing if he feels the same for you?" Victor asked. It was relevant but not relevant at the same time. Otabek looked at the sky. He was lost in thought for a moment. 

"It's not a matter of knowing, Victor. It's a matter of feeling and trusting," Otabek answered. "If I was worried about whether or not I knew, I would never have made it this far. You'll never know anything. Not really. There are so many things unknown in the universe. Knowing it all is impossible. But, if you understand that you know you don't know, you'll be fine."

"I never realized you were such a Socrates," Victor laughed. 

"Do you feel that Yuuri likes you?" Otabek asked.

"He shows it in a weird way but I think so," Victor confessed. 

"Do you want to trust that he does?"

Victor closed his eyes. He most certainly did want to trust that Yuuri felt what he had before. His emotions weren't gone. They were just misguided. "Yeah, I think I do."

Otabek smiled a bit. "You'll be fine, I promise."

"Hey, Otabek," Victor paused for a moment, "do you know how to play an instrument?" 

"Surprisingly, I do. Why?" 

"Would you like to help me?" Victor asked. His plan wasn't the best but at least it was a plan. He wanted another opinion and Otabek seemed pretty safe. 

"Help you?" Otabek thought for a moment and then realized, "You're in the talent show, aren't you? What could I possibly do to help the famous Victor Nikiforov?"

"Play an instrument," he snickered. 

"I haven't played an instrument in years, Victor, I'm not sure how helpful I'll be," Otabek scratched the back of his neck. 

"That's fine," Victor smiled. He was being optimistic. That was all. "You said I'd be fine so now I gotta tell you that you'll be fine too. Just help me out, please?"

"Beka!" Yuri ran towards Otabek and pounced on him causing him to fall backwards. "I've been looking for you!" 

"You two look cozy," Victor observed. 

Otabek groaned, "You could say that. I think he just broke my back."

"But, will you do it?" Victor asked.

"Will you do what?" Yuri, who had walked in on the conversation late, asked.

"He wants me to play for him in the talent show as accompaniment," Otabek explained. 

"I didn't know you could play an instrument," Yuri was shocked. He wanted to hear it though. He wanted to see Otabek on stage. Just the idea of Otabek in a suit when he normally wore a leather jacket intrigued him. Yuri was 100% certain he would look amazing and perform amazing as well. 

"I...used to be able to do a lot of things," Otabek cringed at his memory. His parents drilled thousands of skills into his mind. They were forced down his throat and he rarely enjoyed the experience. 

"You should do it," Yuri smiled.

"I suppose I don't have a choice," Otabek sighed. "I'll do it."

"Thanks Otabek," Victor stood up and started walking home. There wasn't much else he could do. Maybe he could call Vincent and get a ride. Surprisingly, Vincent was already waiting for him. It must've been a dad instinct. 

"Get in the car, hoe, we're going shoppin'" Vincent briefly took off his sunglasses to make the statement. How long had he been waiting just to say that? Victor didn't want to know. 

"How did you kn-" Victor tried to ask if 'dad instinct' was a real thing.

"I'm a dad, bitch, now get in the car," he began rolling up his window and Victor got in immediately. Dad instinct was confirmed a real thing. He believed in it fullheartedly. 

"What are we shopping for?" Victor asked.


"Why fabric?" 

"It's a secret," Vincent winked. 

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