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Victor laid down on his bed and thought long and hard about what the letter meant.  The more he thought, the more he realized that it couldn't have been Yuuri's doing. That wouldn't be Yuuri's style. The poem, maybe, it was clearly Yuuri's handwriting, but that didn't mean that it was about him specifically. It could've been about Yuuri himself. Insecure Yuuri talking to in-school Yuuri. Maybe it was aimed at another person entirely and somehow ended up in Victor's hands. There was no proof that it was for Victor so there was no reason for him to think Yuuri hated him, yet.

But how did that explain the incident earlier today? Was it truly an accident that Yuuri spilled his lunch all over Victor? Yuuri might be clumsy, but was he that level of clumsy? Maybe it was just one of those freak things that happens sometimes. Would Yuuri even stoop to that type of prank just to prove how much he didn't like someone? Victor always assumed that Yuuri was a hate-from-the-shadows kind of person. Could he be wrong? Well, there is always the possibility that he is wrong, he just preferred to think he understood Yuuri better than most.

Victor's phone buzzed next to his ear. He picked it up and stared at the screen confused. An unkown caller? How did that make sense? People rarely contacted him when they were his contacts. Why would someone he didn't know have business with him? Victor sighed and answered the phone, albeit reluctantly.

"Hello?" he asked the other side. 

"That poem was a hoax, you didn't even get the full thing. Check your locker tomorrow morning. It'll contain a letter with more explanation. I can't talk now, people are watching, don't forget to get the mail first thing, otherwise it could be tampered evidence," the caller, supposedly male, spoke and hung up. Victor stared at his phone, even more confused now, and sighed. 

What kind of call was that?

It sounded like a little kid pretending to be a spy. Could it have been the wrong number? Victor tried not to think about it too much. It would be better if he didn't. Thinking too hard just leads to disaster on his part. Holy crap, what if it was a real spy? Victor didn't want to think about what that might mean so he brushed the thought to the depths of his mind.

Victor's dog seemed to have noticed that Victor was sad, because he jumped up onto the bed carrying a box of tissues. Victor laughed and hugged the almighty Makkachin. "You're such a good boy," he cooed. Makkachin's tail wagged wildly at the praise. Victor tried to fight off his urge to cry, but the pupper knew better. 

"I don't know what to do," Victor poured his frustrations on the dog. Makkachin was a mighty fine listener after all. "Should I go on the offensive or the defensive? I just want Yuuri to be happy," he sobbed.

Makkachin tilted his head in the way of a parent and gave Victor a very 'I'm sure you know what you really have to do' look.

"But Makkachin!"

'No buts, except yours and mine. Are you saying you didn't like Yuuri enough to want to find out the truth? Are you happy with how it is now?'

Victor sighed. The almighty Makkachin made sense, and he wasn't even talking! But Victor had planned on skipping school tomorrow. He still smelled like mashed potatoes and mystery meat. Victor rolled on his stomach and screamed into his pillow. Why was living so difficult? He should've been a really popular ice skater that got Yuuri with confidence and good looks. Can he just switch over to that timeline instead? That would be great. He'd wear flashy pink outfits and blow kisses at the crowds. They'd have to love him. 

He forced the fantasy out of his mind and tried to remember what he had for homework. Well, if he didn't remember it must not exist. His grades weren't fantastic all the time anyway. What did it matter since this was the last year he'd have to worry about them? 

Victor had fallen asleep without meaning to and woke up without expecting to. Everything was just a blur till he got to school. He usually stopped by his locker first before doing anything else, and he hadn't even remembered the mysterious phone call from the wannabe spy. 

When something fell by his feet, that's when he remembered the events that had taken place. He looked at the note and then the second note (which turned out to be an explanation letter of apology). The first was the finishing stanza to the poem, apparently, it looked like it had been torn off from the original. Well, that makes sense. Fangirls are crazy things. But who went through the struggle of finding this small piece of paper just so Victor would feel better? He'd already decided that it wasn't Yuuri who did it, (even if it took him until yesterday to officially decide that).

But to say I hate you is a lie,
I've never hated you one bit
I've only loved you by and by
and now I'll have to go down with this ship

The note explained how Yuuri had been completely obsessed with Victor freshman year but he knew it wouldn't get anywhere in his current state, so he gave up. A close friend (aka Phichit) had suggested that he turn his love into hatred instead and forget about Victor, but it didn't work. Yuuri could never bring himself to hate Victor and eventually decided that changing was the only solution, so he changed. 

Victor dropped everything he had been holding and he started running. He wasn't exactly sure where Yuuri was but he knew where Yuuri was (as a sort of instinct thing), so he ran there. He kept running till he found him and, of course, he did find him. The school day had just started and it was about to get it's juiciest piece of gossip.

"V-Victor?" Yuuri questioned as the silver-haired man came running towards him at full speed.

"Yuuri!" the fabulous male ran, jumped, hugged, and kissed Yuuri, but due to Newton's first law, the two fell right onto the cold hard ground. The sounds of flashing cameras and whispering fangirls buzzed around them.

But Victor couldn't have cared less.

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