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Since the first time that Yuuri had been to Victor's house, he'd returned almost every weekend. Yuuri had sworn that he would never go back to that place, and yet he always did. There was something about the atmosphere of being surrounded by Victor's family that made things strangely comfortable. Maybe he was just secretly planning to become a part of their family. Well, in a way he already was. Vincent already thought of him as a son-in-law, but that's not really the point.

"Hello!~" Viktor said from behind the screen. He was skyping everybody from England. 

"What is it like over there? Are you having a good time?" Vincent asked. 

"You're asking him as if you have never been to England. You were born and raised there," Ciel pointed out.

"That is irrelevant," Vincent frowned. 

"I'm having a great time, as a matter of fact," Viktor leaned in closer to the laptop and whispered, "my roommate is super cute too."

"Ooooo," Vincent, Leic, and Victor all said in unison. Ciel just sighed while Adrian snickered. Yuuri was too confused to do anything. No one would sway him from Victor, no matter how attractive he was. Besides, everyone in this family was already top tier attractive level.

"Sebastian, come over here for a second," Viktor waved his roommate over. Surprisingly, the roommate obliged.

"Hello Viktor's family," Sebastian waved. Yuuri felt betrayed. Here was another top tier attractive person! Was it because he was British? Maybe it was because he was British. No! Yuuri! Victor is the only attractive person you have to worry about!

"Hello, Sebastian," everyone said in unison, except Ciel, remember, we have already established that Ciel poops on all the parties. 

"He is a real big fan of the Satanic Siblings! He has tons of merch," Viktor smirked.

"I can't believe you said that," Sebastian sighed.

"You're the one wearing a shirt with my brothers on it," Viktor shrugged. 

Sebastian looked down at his shirt, "Shit, you're right. I completely forgot I had this on."

Leic snickered and Ciel rolled his eyes. Ciel wasn't phased by the fan-base anymore. He couldn't care less about anything that happened in his life. Ciel was completely and totally uninterested in everything, (poops on all the parties, I'm tellin' ya). Leic, on the other hand, was completely and totally interested in everything. Viktor's roommate was one of those said things.

"I'm so happy to know that someone as hot as you is our fan," Leic smiled. Yuuri internally screamed. Was everyone in this family a flirt? Did they all do this on purpose? Was Yuuri forever going to be tormented by the fact that he wasn't ever going to be as smooth as everyone in this room, (including the people on the screen). Maybe he needed to step up his game a notch. That's right Yuuri, it is time for you to practice flirting in the bathroom while talking to yourself in the mirror. You've got this.

"Is everyone in your family like this?" Sebastian pointed to Leic through the computer.

"Like what?" Viktor asked, clearly confused. Sebastian sighed. Yuuri internally cried tears of joy for the fact that someone else understood his pain. Thank you, Sebastian. Sebastian might be in a totally different country but at least Yuuri felt like he had a kindred spirit now. He knew he wasn't crazy. It's just this family. This family is the strange thing.

"Can you take Sebastian home with you during your next trip home?" Vincent pleaded, "He is so good looking I want to see him in person!" This comment earned Vincent a nice elbow in the ribs from Adrian. 

"Don't swoon over attractive younger men right in front of me," Adrian frowned.

"But look at him," Vincent gestured, "he is carved from the essence of attractive! I want to see it in person. I can't deny the facts."

"I agree," Yuuri nodded in approval, "I too find myself wanting to see this beauty in person."

"Okay, I know he is nice looking, but does this mean I have competition?" Victor questioned. Yuuri didn't answer right away which made Victor concerned. "Are you going to break up with me for Sebastian?" he sobbed and clung to Yuuri.

"No," Yuuri patted Victor's head, "it's not like that. It's more like when you know about a fine piece of art and decide to go to the museum to see it in person. I just want to admire the Mona Lisa face-to-face even though I already know it's a god-level piece of art."

Sebastian laughed albeit nervously, "The only one who hasn't said anything about how I look so far is Ciel. Should I be prepared for the ultimate roast now? To balance it all out?" Everyone in Victor's family gasped and went silent for a moment. Sebastian began to wonder if he had said something wrong. He hadn't, but the shock of what he had said made everyone a little on edge, (including Yuuri, even though Yuuri didn't know what had just happened).

"We didn't introduce ourselves yet," Leic whispered.

"And he already knew which was which," Ciel said.

"Nobody besides their own father has been able to do that so far," Victor said, "since Vikky and I have the same name it didn't really matter if someone got it right or wrong. Although, I cut my hair so people have been able to tell now. Plus, we haven't gone to the same school in years so no one knows we even have a twin. But Ciel and Leic are a completely different story."

"Have we just met god?" Viktor questioned. He turned to look at his roommate with great concern. "Are you the second coming? Is there something I need to know about you, Sebastian?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Is this really that strange?" Sebastian scratched the back of his neck as a sort of nervous tic, "I guess I'm just too observant for my own good. Ever since that one stage accident Ciel's right eye has had an extremely slight purple tint to it. But the two don't give off the same aura so it's not like it's hard to tell which one is which."

"It does?!" Leic grabbed Ciel's face and examined it really closely. He couldn't see the tint at all.

"Are you making things up?" Adrian asked as he also took a look at Ciel's face.

"He's right," Vincent confirmed.

"Are you absolutely positive? I can't see it at all," Victor said. 

Ciel sighed. He was the main attraction for the rest of the skype call and for the rest of the week. Everyone was trying their very best to try and see the mysterious purple tint. Ciel hated Sebastian for bringing it up. Okay, well, not really, Ciel hadn't even noticed it himself and he stayed up fairly late that night trying to figure it out. How was it even possible for his eye to get a tint to it? The accident wasn't even that bad. Maybe it really was just a fluke that Sebastian made up. Or maybe Sebastian just saw things that no one else could. But Vincent claimed to see it too, so the tint must really be there. 

And so, the family was thoroughly confused for the next week or so. After that, they all just gave up and stopped trying. Ciel breathed a sigh of relief when that moment finally came. How was he going to get revenge on Sebastian for causing this ruckus in his life? Well, one day he would figure it out. One day...eventually...if he even remembered that he wanted to get revenge in the first place. 

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