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Truth is, Yuuri Katsuki had been in that audience. He was where Victor thought he had been. Yuuri was crying the whole time. Phichit came prepared with tissues. The song was beautiful. Victor was even more beautiful in that outfit. His little heart couldn't take it. Everything was so perfect he just wished he was on the stage beside Victor. He felt so guilty about the while thing. He almost wanted to believe that everything would be okay if he just apologized. He almost did believe that. 

Victor's hair glistened in the lighting. His voice was like an angel's. A holy angel sent from above that Yuuri still didn't deserve. Yuuri didn't deserve to have a song dedicated to him. Victor was trying to get Yuuri back even though Yuuri was being such a bitch. What did he do to win the heart of someone like that? He wasn't worth the trouble. No one would ever be good enough for Victor Nikiforov. No one would ever come close. 

"If you don't run after that delectable man," Christophe threatened, "I'll go after him myself."

Yuuri didn't have to be told twice. He immediately went backstage. The performance was over. Victor had walked out of the audience's sight but he was being supported by Otabek now. Victor looked about ready to pass out from what Yuuri could tell. Yuuri took care of it from there. He became the support for Victor and dragged him to the nurse's office. It wasn't that far from the auditorium. Fate was on their side. For now.

After placing him on one of the beds in the room, Yuuri grabbed a chair and sat. He waited for Victor to get up. The guy was sound asleep. It was well deserved. Victor looked so exhausted nearing the end of the song. Yuuri wasn't sure what to do. He only talked. He apologized even though he wasn't sure if Victor would hear him. But, that didn't matter. He wanted to say it anyway.

"I'm sorry," Yuuri started crying. "I'm a bastard and I know it but it's just how it is," he sobbed. "I don't want to do things and then I end up doing them. I'm sorry," he apologized to the unresponsive Victor. He said as many things as he could. He just kept apologizing and eventually he decided it was time to leave. He needed to give Victor some time to sleep. He was being a nuisance, again

Yuuri stood up. Victor's hand grabbed his wrist. Victor opened his eyes. He'd forced himself to awaken after that strange dream he had. He was scared. He was afraid. He wanted Yuuri more than anything else in the world but Yuuri just didn't understand that. Victor didn't know what he could say or do to help Yuuri get it through his mind that he cared about him. His voice still wasn't working. It must be a side effect from the dream. His mouth opened. Nothing came out. He tried again. Still nothing. 

"Are you going to let go of me? You're grabbing really tight," Yuuri said. Victor shook his head. He wasn't going to let go. Never. "I'm sorry about all of this," Yuuri continued and avoided eye contact. "I'm the worst," he sighed. 

"It's okay," Victor said. His voice was finally starting to listen to him. 

"No, it's not," Yuuri's voice cracked. 

"With time, it will be," Victor smiled. 

Yuuri hugged Victor. It was an awkward hug but he didn't care. He was practically lying on top of the guy. It didn't matter. He just wanted to hug Victor. They'd been so distant for so long. Yuuri wanted to bridge the gap between them. "Can we be boyfriends again?" he asked.

"No," Victor replied. Yuuri was about to have a heart attack. Can Victor feel his heart beating right now? He wasn't sure if it was working properly. He might drop dead in this very moment. "But, we can be husbands."

"Did you just propose?" Victor didn't respond. He left that up to Yuuri's imagination. It wasn't the best way to propose but Yuuri didn't exactly give him a lot of time to think about it. Victor didn't want to lose him. Yuuri would just have to deal with the unromanticness of it all. They could save the romance for the wedding, (or after the wedding).

"We can't get married! We are too young," Yuuri frowned. He appreciated the sentiment but it simply wasn't going to happen. The thought of marrying Victor was a nice one though. Yuuri imagined an old version of Victor. He'd still look attractive even as an old man. Yuuri was sure of it. He'd age fantastically, just like wine (not that Yuuri had any idea what wine tasted like).

"Says who?" 

"Says me."

"Then we'll just have to be fiancés until you're ready to plan the wedding," Victor reluctantly agreed. 

"Until we're ready to plan the wedding," Yuuri corrected. "I'm not planning a wedding all on my own, Victor," he said. "This is all happening too fast. Are you sure you want to marry me?" Yuuri's head wasn't working properly. His mind was jumping all over the place. Was this really going on? Or would he wake up and realize this was the biggest nightmare in human in history?

"I've always been sure," Victor replied. "It's you I'm worried about. You won't back out again, will you?" 

Yuuri shook his head, "No, I won't, I promise," he said. It was a promise he wouldn't be able to keep but at least his heart was in the right place. He would try his very best not to be a hot mess again. 

"I don't believe you," Victor held Yuuri close, "so I'll just have to keep an eye on you at all times. You're not allowed to back out of this. I don't care if you find a better person than me. I'm not letting you go, ever," he said. 

"That's fine," Yuuri smiled. "I'd prefer it that way."

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