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"Does anyone in this room know calculus?" Yuuri asked the other students in the cafeteria. Victor hadn't noticed that the two had the same lunch period before. He remembered how they first met and smiled. "No? Nobody?" Yuuri asked. Victor pushed away his nostalgic memory and raised his hand. "Great! Can you come help my friend with his homework?" Victor nodded and made his way over to the table. It was a great honor to be called over to this table. Everyone knew that not just anyone could sit here. Victor was even more disappointed in himself for not realizing that Yuuri had the same lunch sooner. It had been how many day since the school year started? Why wasn't he paying attention to his surroundings! Surely someone would notice a table like this! It was so out of place in this cafeteria! Maybe his brain was just doing that denial thing again.

Victor grabbed his stuff and walked over to the table. Yuuri's friend, Yuri, was staring at a book frowning. He didn't seem to understand an ounce of what he was supposed to do. Victor sat next to him and looked at his work. "You've almost finished this problem, you just have one more step to do," Victor said. 

"What? I don't even know what I'm doing!" Yuri complained. "And you say I'm almost done with it?!" Victor grabbed Yuri's pencil and began re-writing the problem. As he solved it, he tried to explain it and hoped that Yuri was understanding what he was doing. 

"Wow, you're really smart, Victor," Yuuri complimented.

"Thanks," Victor smiled. He tried his very best to hold back his blush, but he knew that his attempts weren't very successful.

"Well, I've finished half the paper," Yuri began, "that's close enough. I'm done with this shit," he put the page in the book, closed the book, and shoved it into his bag. His homework would never see the light of day again, (until the teacher came around to check that he did it, of course).

"I could've helped you with the rest," Victor offered, "I'm not doing anything important."

"I've done enough math for one day, thank you very much," Yuri frowned.

"If you did your homework the night before instead of the period before, like everyone else, you wouldn't be having this problem," Yuuri laughed.

Victor remained at the table and silently listened to the conversation between Yuuri and his friends. He wanted to join it, but a part of him felt like he shouldn't intrude. Plus, Victor didn't have anything to say on the matters that they were discussing. So, instead of talking he sat and listened. Watching Yuuri from up close was always better than watching from far away. The lunch period would end soon so Victor used that as an excuse not to leave the table. Every excuse is a good excuse when Yuuri is concerned. 

The bell rang and Victor picked up his bag. He'd forgotten to eat lunch due to the excitement of being privileged enough to sit at the table. He should've gotten his meal right at the beginning of the period! But he usually waited until about halfway because he didn't want to wait in the long line. Victor sighed and walked to his next class. 

"Victor! Wait up!" Yuuri called. Victor stopped in his tracks and turned around. Yuuri had run after him and was panting a bit now. Did Victor really walk that quickly? "You didn't eat lunch, did you? Here, take this," Yuuri placed a granola bar in Victor's hand. "This is my thanks for helping Yurio out," he said before walking away. Victor stared at the bar of food in his hand. He wanted to save it as a memento, but he knew he didn't have that much self control. Victor spent his entire next period staring at the morsel of food trying to decide whether or not he should eat it. In the end, he only lasted two full periods before his stomach couldn't take it anymore. He ate it with no regrets.

Before he knew it, P.E. was here. He didn't know if he should be excited or terrified. Would Yuuri talk to him again? Or would they both ignore each other like usual? What should Victor say if Yuuri did talk to him? The thoughts rushing through his head were endless. Victor put his bag in his locker, changed, and sat down in the designated area so the teacher could take attendance. His mind continued to wander. He kept thinking about Yuuri. He was always thinking about Yuuri. Victor was finding it more and more difficult to get his feelings under control. He liked Yuuri and he knew he couldn't get close to him. Yuuri was one of the most sought after people in this school and there was no way he would choose someone like Victor. There was no way Yuuri would even start to like Victor back! 

Victor sighed and looked at his hands. He wanted to go home. He wanted to forget about it all. Maybe he should just crawl up in a hole and pretend everything was okay. That's what people normally did, right? Victor could feel the tears forming in his eyes. Today started as the best of times only to become the worst of times. Victor stood up and asked to go to the bathroom. At least if he hid in there he could cry in peace. 

Victor walked the hallway to the nearest bathroom. He entered a stall and sat on the closed toilet lid. It smelled terrible in here. The people in this school didn't know how to use the bathroom, apparently. Victor held his head in his hands and sobbed. He wanted to disappear into the shadows of the nearest corner. Unrequited love sucks. How much longer could he endure this?

He opened the stall door and went to the sink to wash his face. It was time to go back to class. There wasn't anything he could do to change the situation. It would only get worse before it got better. When he returned, Yuuri wasn't there. Victor didn't know where Yuuri was, but he felt relieved that he wasn't here. Maybe tomorrow would be better. That's all Victor could hope for. Maybe, as the weeks continued, he would forget all about Yuuri...

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