"Good news first since it seems rather good." I shrugged and waited for him to spill.

"Okay so Emmett called and told me that your parents are coming home for the holidays."

"Thats amazing! I haven't seen either of them since like last year." I started jumping up and down just like him. The people living below us would be complaining.

"That's not all. You're Mom's movie is going to be produced. The critics loved it."

"Are you serious?" This could be her big break.

"I'm so happy. Aren't you." Yeah of course I was happy. I missed my parents like crazy.

"What are people gonna think when they find out that my mom's killer movie is out. I'm the daughter of a talented screenwriter. Like what will happen." I always over think things too much.

"Trust me Telly. It's you and I against the world." He engulfed me in huge arms. He lifted me up and spun me around. "You're mommy's gonna be famous." He shouted.

"And we're gonna be at a premiere." We laughed until we couldn't breathe. I let the good news skin in. This is gonna be the best day of my life. My liiiiiiife! Wow. He put me down and kissed me. Several times. We couldn't stop laughing. "Logan.What's gonna happen when I get so fat you won't be able to do that anymore."

"Then I can get just as fat and we can be fat together and roll around. Wow this is so exciting. We have to tell someone." He looked around vigourously. I put my hand on his face to calm him down a bit.

"We should call Emmett and Shai. They should be the first to know." His hand rested on my belly. He poked it softly. "Stop it that hurts."

"What if it likes poking. Then I can poke it all I want." He joked with me. We laughed some more. And more after that. Soon we sat down on my loveseat dangerously close to each other.

" Can you keep a secret." I asked him while wiggling my eyebrows. He nodded begging me to go on. "I'm pretty sure that Jace and Remie like each other." His jaw clenched a bit. "What's the matter."

"She's not Jace's mate."

"I know. But my theory is that his mate was killed or never existed. So he's making his own love for himself" I shrugged and looked into his eyes.

"You're theory isn't all the way correct. But who cares. "

I shrugged again. Because it was true. Who really cared? "Well I'm tired so I'm going to sleep."

" You can't sleep. You slept for 14 hours. You have to stay awake for a little longer." He stood up promptly as if he couldn't get away from me fast enough. Feeling kinda rejected I curled into a ball on the side of my loveseat and pulled my MacBook into my lap. I looked up random things just to keep myself busy. Logan paced the perimeter of my room as he babysat me. Honestly I was getting really tired of watching him watch me.

"Logan is everything okay. You seem kinda on edge?" I stood from my awkward position and joined him by my desk.

"Hmm oh yeah everything's fine. I'm just a little tired that's all. I'm just gonna go home. I'll see you tomorrow at school." He kissed my cheek quickly. A little too quickly. And just like that he left. He left me standing in my room confused as ever.

I shook it off and changed into a pair of comfty nightclothes.My feet ushered the rest of my body to my bed. Despite what Logan told me I opened up Beautiful Creatures.My eyes scanned the words on the paper fluidly. I read until I couldn't read anymore. The last thing I remembered was looking at my phone screen.

Pumped-Up Kicks (A Logan Lerman Story)Where stories live. Discover now