Part 43

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3rd person's pov

Been 2 weeks since Kuroko was out of the Hospital and currently went to there apartment. He decided to live with Akashi starting for today. The kids were happy for that.

So Now they are getting there things.

"Tetsuya, you don't need to bring all of this stuff. I can buy them for you." Seijuro said as he look at Things.

"Sei, Some of the Things here are important. Some are from my Grandmother so I can't just throw them away." Kuroko said.

"I cannot believe that your planning to live in this small apartment with this kids." Seijuro said, The apartment was small. There have one room and one kitchen, and a small living room.

"This is the cheapest one that I can Afford Sei-kun." Kuroko said.

"If you went to me when you first step in Tokyo I'll be glad." Akashi said.

"Yeah, Sorry about that. I just don't wanna bother you at Work." Kuroko said.

"You and Seiji always Think that you are a Bother, come to think of it you and him act the same." Akashi said.

"Speak for you and Tetsuyana, always demanding at others." Kuroko said.

"Thats the thing, But that the only thing that I listen if someone Demands me is you." Seijuro said.

"Why is that?" Kuroko ask. 

"BecUse I love you." Akashi said and kiss Kuroko on the lips for a while.

Kuroko blush. "Seijuro!" Kuroko shouted.

"Your so Cute when your blushing." Akashi said.

"I'm not cute." Kuroko said.

"You and Seiji are the same." Akashi commented.

"Yes they are, He doesn't like medicine either." Tetsuyana said as she walk behind Akashi carrying a blx with her stuff inside.

"They are Bitter." Kuroko said.

"See Nee-san, Mom agrees That Medicine are bitter." Seiji said.

"I curse Who ever made them." Kuroko said.

"I agree with Mom, So Thus Sei-chan." Seiji said while holding a doll of Mini-Akashi Flushie.

"Oh? You still have Sei-chan? Thats great

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"Oh? You still have Sei-chan? Thats great." Kuroko said and smile.

"Hai, Sei-chan is cute." Seiji said.

"I will never think about that Doll is cute." Tetsuyana said.

"Mean Nee-san, Don't listen to her Sei-chan. Sei-chan is cUte." Seiji said and walk outside of The Apartment alreDy.

"Where did he get that Doll?"  Akashi ask.

"I made them. I was missing Sei-kun so much that I unconsciously made a doll. Though Seiji found it when he was Four and Name it Sei-chan." Kuroko said.

"So you think that I'm cute right?" Seijuro said.

Kuroko pinch Seijuro's nose. "Your not cute at all." Kuroko said and walk out of the apartment.

"Hey wait,"Akashi said.

Then Kuroko live in the Akashi's mansion Happily ever after.

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