Part 15

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3rd person's pov

Akashi woke up at 6:30 am since he needed to take care of Seiji first before going to work. He make sure that Seiji was eating properly and having a safe trip going towards the school.

Its been 3 days since Seiji was staying at Akashi. And that 3 days had the same rutein. Akashi woke at 6, He wake Seiji and make sure Seiji took a bath and propey prepared and Breakfast is important and bring seiji to school. He make sure Seiji too eat properly at lunch so he and Seiji's teacher exchange numbers.

Akashi dislike woman because all woman he had met wants to fuck with him because of his looks and he had money. But it look like that Seiji's teacher prove him wrong. Seiji's teacher was a great woman who had a Husband and one child. That woman love her husband so much a vice versa. She admit that Akashi was rather a Very good looking man and rich.

But Money can't buy love or even the looks of the person. Love is through action. Is what that teacher believe. And Akashi gladly to know that so Akashi gave his Private number to that Teacher and vice versa, So that both of them can Monitor Seiji's actions.

Then Seiji goes home either, Pick up by akashi hisself or sometimes Takao. Because Takao is fund of Seiji.

Current day is not an exception. Today Seiji needs to go to school.

Akashi was about to wake Seiji up when his phone rang. Then he saw that the person is calling was Seiji's teacher.

He answer it.

The teacher inform Akashi about today. They won't having class because teacher will have some meeting regarding the school. So Akashi didn't have to bring Seiji to school.

So After the call, Akashi make sure Seiji got and enough sleep. He too plump back at his bed and attempt to fall asleep again, But it seems he can't. He now just observe the Cute Seiji who is sleeping peacefully beside him.

Seiji and His lover had much in common.

It reminds Akashi about his lover.

But Akashi wonder of What kind of Parents does Seiji had, or what kind of sister Seiji had.

Akashi filled his mind with that question for hours until Seiji woke up from the slumber.

"Good Morning Seiji." Akashi said.

"Hmm.. Good Morning Akashi-san." Seiji said as he rub his eyes cutely. Seiji focus his vision in the clock and his eyes widen.

"Ah Its already 9 I'm already Late!" Seiji panic and climb out of bed. Akashi chuckle a bit.

"You have no class today." Akashi said. "You teacher call that they will having a Meeting so your Class will be temporarily suspended." Akashi said.

Seiji sigh in relief and climb back to bed and burried in blankets. "Then Wake me up at Lunch." Seiji said and attempt to go to sleep.

"Skipping Breakfast I see." Akashi said.

"I'm not hungry but I'm sleepy." Seiji said already his eyes close.

"But you aren't gonna eat breakfast?" Akashi said and he got no reply which he saw Swiji was immediately fast asleep.

"That ws fast." Akashi said.

"Guess I just need to go to work." Akashi said as he climb out of bed and fix his self.

As he was done. And ready to gonto the office, His main door in the house shut open.

"Goooood Morning Akashicchi!" Kise said very energetic.

"Yo Akashi." Aomine greeted him.

"If your angry, Be angry at her she was the one who force me." Kagami said pointing at Momoi who frown.

"Mou, We are here to have some Fun ok. Don't be KJ." Momoi said.

"Who approve?" Akashi ask with a cold awra.

"Oh come on Akashi, Should forget work even just for a day and have a relaxing day. Come on it will be fun." Takao said happily.

"Who's Idea is this?" Akashi ask again.

"Its Takao-chin, and Kise-Chin's Idea." Murasakibara said.

"Why?" Akashi said glare at the two who flinch a bit.

"We wanted to know Seiji-kun better more. i heard from Takaocchi that you permit this boy to stay here so pls let us stay here." Kise said as he gave his puppy eyes.

"Oh, Pls Akashi." All of them said and gave there best pleasing look at Akashi.

Akashi sigh. "Ok then, Just don't annoy me or Seiji got it." Akashi said and glare at them one by one.

"Hai." They all said and went inside the house.

Midorima came after. "Why did you agree?" Midorima ask.

"As Much As I want to oppose, they were right. I needed a little vacation from work since its been stressing lately. So far our company is doing ok, So I have no problem.Guess a little fun won't hurt Right?" Akashi said which Midorima was shock.

"Where did you get all of this stuff? Probably from Seiji right? A true Akashi won't say something like that. That kid change you in a good way I guess." Midorima said as he adjust his glasses.

"I guess too." Akashi said.

"Speraking of the kid, where is he? School?" Midorima asked.

"Nope he wasn't. His teacher called that they will have a meting so temporariliy his class will be suspended. He is currently sleeping." Akashi said.

"Thats great." Midorima said and all of them walk towards the living room.

"So Akaashicchi, Tell us about Seijji. How he look like you and where the two of you meet." Kise said happily.

"Hm... Well..." Akashi ended up telling them the whole story. Midorima even was surprise that Akashi brought a child who exactly his replica. Specially the color of the eyes, which was the red and gold.

"But Seiji act exactly the opposite of Akashi because Seiji is a very nice and a very good boy." Takao said.

"Aren't you implying that I wasn't a good boy when I was little?" Akashi ask with a cold voice.

Takao gulp. "No offense but you are, butu... Your also known as Little demon and Kagami even call you a scissor-freak. " Takao said.

"Well that-" Akashi said but was cut off when Momoi's stomach growl.

"Wow, I don't know you can make that sound." Kagami said.

"SLAP" "DON'T SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT!" Momoi said blushing and walk away. Kagami was just looking at Momoi dumbfounded.

"Looks like you get in a fight." Aomine said.

"Better fix it Kagamicchi." Kise said.

"Kagami-chin is bad at handling a girl. " Murasakibara said.

"God! Shut up you purple giant!" Kagami yelled.

"Tsk, why am I stuck with Idiots like you?" Midorima said.

"Look who's talking when he himself is an idiot." Aomine said as he glare at Midorima.

"I'm completely not an idiot like you." Midorima said.

"Wearing a pink Necktie with hearts on it is completely.... Well an idiot." Aoimine said.

"It doesn't suit Midorimacchi." Kise commented.

"Its my lucky Item for today." NMidorima said.

"You still believe in those stuff even your already a licence doctor already." Aomine said.

"Shut up." Midorimas said and look at besaide3 him wher Akashi was suppose to be but seems Aakash was not there.

"Where did Akasahi gone too?" Takao ask.

'Probably towards the dinning room. I'm hungry lets go."A Omine said.


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