Part 12

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3rd person's pov

Its morning, and when Seiji woke up the first thing he felt was a bery soothing warm. He smile and crack his eyes open to revealed a Sleeping Akashi.

Akashi's arm was circle around Seiji's waist. Its like Seiji's was a Pillow. Seiji put his Small hand towards the cheek of Akashi and he smile. It felt nice. He remember his flushie, His Flushie was really look like Akashi. It was given to him by his mother since he was 3 years old. He name the Flushie 'Sei' to be exact to make it pretend that it was a living thing.

Seiji darted his Eyes towards the table behind Akashi and saw a Digital clock, It was already 7:30 am his class start at 8:30. He needs to wake up. So he sneak out of the bed quickly and took a Bath quickly. He also left the letter in Akashi's table saying he needs to go to school and promise to come back at Akashi.

He then left the room quickly. The butlers and maids didn't even notice him since he has a very low Presence.

He quickly run towards his Apartment which took him 40 minutes to run. Quickly he open the apartment with his key and went to the closet and wear some uniform. As a Grade 1 student he got his ID and first drink some water. His heart was beating to fast Currently. Because he run too much. He just hope he won't pass out and be brought to the nurse office once more.

Then after that he then again run towards his class which he was late because Its took him 40 minutes from his apartment towards school. He usually wake up early.

"Yo, Seiji your ok?" His friend Zuzaku, Kyohei ask.

He has Dark blue hair and an attitude of very energetic and Cheerful. Although very childlish.


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"I'm... Fine... " Seiji said panting hard.

"You don't look find to me."

"Taka-kun." Seiji called. He saw his average friend. Shinya, Takaoshi.

"Your really pale Seiji

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"Your really pale Seiji." Taka Said.

"Guys Look what I found, A cute white cat." A kid run towards them an show the cat. "Isn't he cute?"

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