Part 9

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3rd person's pov

"Daiki, Are you sure this is the right place?" Akashi said. After Seiji called he ask Aomine to track  the cellphone of Seiji. Aomine said yes and help Akashi.

But instead it was just Akashi and Aomime all of them came to follow them. Which Annoyed Akashi.

"Yes I'm sure Akashi. I'm not a Police Detective if I can't even know how to track a Phone." Aomine said.

"I doubt you since your once an Idiot." Akashi said.

"Shut up, Atleast I am helping." Aomine said.

"Yeah, But was surprisingly that The Akashi Seijuro did help someone, and blindly invite that someone towards his house. " kagami said.

"That Someone is a 6 years old child your talking about." Akashi said.

"Still you help someone. Thats New Akashicchi." Kise said.

"Ok, the signal said his around here." Aomine said as they look at the empty street. The store are already close because its already late at night. The snow isn't helping either.

"Seiji." Akashi called.

"Akashi-san." Seiji said as he appeared beside Aomine and Kise.

Which all of them Was shock and gaps.

"Wwaaahh ghost!" Kise said and run behind Aomine. Takao hide behind Midorima.

"Seiji." Akashi said as he was worried and went to check Seiji if his ok or not.

"Are you ok? Any injuries?" Akashi ask.

"No,I'm fine just freezing." Seiji said.

"Ok then, We should warm you up. Good thing your wearing a scarp." Akashi said.

"Is it me or... Akashi is acting like a Father." Kagami said.

"Not that too, The kid looks like him. " Satsuki said.

"Since when did you have a Child Akashi?" Momoi demanded.

"If your asking if he is my child he isn't. Right Seiji?" Akashi said.

"Hai, I met Akashi-san that time when he save me. This is our second time meeting each other." Seiji said.

"But Its impossible, This child do really look like you Akashicchi. Are you sure you didn't sleep with anyone else?" Kise said.

Akashi glare at him. "No, I can assure you that I won't do something like that. Maybe it was just a coincidence that this child looks like me." Akashi said.

"How can it be A Coincidence? He has red hair, Pale skin but a little paler and also he had a your eyes. The red and Gold Once." Takao said.

"I agree, Why try to deny it Akashi?" Aomine said.

"Because I'm not denying it. Now scram and go home. I'll take him home." Akashi said a little irritated but he won't show his deadly awra since he might scared Seiji away.

"May I speak pls." Seiji said and everyone gaps and jump.

"Pls don't do that!" Kise beg.
"Do what?" Seiji ask.

"Appeared out of nowhere." Aomine said.

"But I was here all along." Seiji said.

"Your right, Sorry we just didn't notice you." Momoi said.

"Its fine, My mom Told me that I have a very very low pressence. My friends call me a Ghost Sometimes." Seiji said with a dead pan look.

"Wait.... You look like Akashi but the way how you speak and act is like.... Ah never mind its impossible." Kagami blabbered.

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