I heard you

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Bruno's p.o.v

I put Cassandra on her bed and stroked her back. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked. Cassandra shook her head no. "Okay. I'll be downstairs if you need me." "I need you now." She said. "Stay here please." "Okay." I said. "What do you need me to do?"

Cassandra grabbed my hands and wrapped her arms around me. "Lay down." She pulled me closer to her. I did what she told me but tried to lay beside her instead of on top of her. She wouldn't let me do that. I laid on top and she held me tighter. "Why did you do it?" She whispered. "Do what?" I asked. "You embraced me when I ran out of the shop. You carried me out on your back and took me home. Why?"

"Because I care about you."

Cassandra seemed shocked, like it was something she wanted to hear but she also wanted to hear more.She wiped a tear away. "You do?" I held her hand. "Yes I do." I grabbed her blanket and put it over both of us. "I care about you a whole lot."

Cassandra rubbed her hands up and down my back. "Did you hear what I told you when you were sleeping?" I hesitated for a moment, then smirked. "No. I didn't. What did you say?"

Nothing from her.

"Cassandra? Are you awake?"

Nothing again.

I tried to get up as slowly and quietly as I could. I sat up until....

"Bruno, no," she whined. "please stay please."

I smiled and laid back on her. "What did the note say?" She asked. I buried my head past her neck into the pillow. "I kinda like you too" I mumbled into the pillow. "What?" She asked. I sat back up and kissed her lips. "It said I like you."

"You did hear me!" Cassandra gasped. I shook my head. "Yes I did. I just had to make sure that I wasn't dreaming, because, I do have dreams about you.

"You do??!!" Cassandra sat up and brushed her hair back. "What kind of dreams?"

"Many." I answered. "I loved the one had when I had that hangover and you helped me. That dream was awesome."

"What was it about?" Cassandra asked. "Was it sexual?"

I squinted my eyes and grinned. "Why?" I asked. "Did you dream about me?"

"Well, I had a fantasy." Cassandra hesitated. "In the shower."

"How about I tell you mine and then you tell me yours?" I said. "Well, I'll have to demonstrate my dream."

"Go ahead." She grinned.

I opened her legs and came in between them. I held her wrists, just as I did in the living room, before we were interrupted. "Now, I began, "where were we?"

"You were just about to kiss me." Cassandra answered. I leaned in and kissed her passionately. She held on to my face and wrapped her legs around me.

I grabbed her ass and squeezed it. She moaned and ran her hands through my hair. I started to slowly grind on her, causing her to moan even more. Then I pulled at her jeans. She popped my hands.

"What just happened?" I asked. "I...I...I don't know." Cassandra answered. "I'm sorry."

"Let's try again." I said.

Cassandra nodded her head and leaned back. I kissed her neck and reached for her pants again. But then, she popped it again!

"Cassandra!" I shrieked.

"Bruno!" she shrieked back.

"Stop hitting me!" I said. "I'm trying not to." She answered. "I can't help it and I don't know why." "Alright. We'll try this one more time." I said.

Cassandra nodded again and laid back. I unbuttoned her pants and she didn't do anything. I tried to pull them down and popped me again!"

"What the hell Cassandra?!" I yelled. "Don't yell at me!" She shot back tears filling her beautiful eyes.

I felt bad. I didn't mean to hurt her. "I'm sorry." I said while sitting back. "Ugh! I know what's wrong with me!" She groaned.

I put my hand on her back. "What?" I asked. "Are you nervous?"

"Yes..no...yes...well, no...yes... not exactly." Cassandra babbled.

"Well, what is it?" I asked. "I won't tell. I promise."

"Its my Mima's fault." Cassandra answered.

"What?" I asked. "Hold on. Please tell me that this isn't a joke. What's a mima?"

"Its kinda hard to explain." She answered and shrugged. I slid my hands on hers. "Then help me understand, Cassandra."

Cassandra's p.o.v

"Well," I began, "where do I start? I was thirteen when I met her, she was always a pushy person. I guess I'll tell you what caused me to be like this. We were in the park..."


"Cassandra, we need to talk, come sit down." Mima said. "Mima, I've already had the sex talk with Mom, so I'm good." I said.

"So, do you know what a virgin is?" Mima asked with a smirk.

I gave her a confused look and shook my head. She gave me a look of shock. "Well, sweetie, that's what you are." she said. "Am I the only one?!" I asked in fear.

Mima laughed. "No, Cassandra, no." She assured while trying to control herself. When she did, she got serious. "A virgin is a woman who doesn't have sex before she's married."

"Is it bad?" I asked. "Is what bad?" She asked. "Having sex before marriage." I answered.

"Yes!" she snapped. I jumped back. "And if I ever catch, see, or hear you doing it, no matter how old you are, I will tell your mama and cut his penis off! Do you hear me?"

"Yes ma'am." I answered in fright.

"Now, go and play." she said. I backed up slowly and ran off as fast as I could.

*****Flashback over

"And that's why I've never had a boyfriend." I said.

"Your Mima is very protective." Bruno said. "Where were your parents?"

"Business trip." I answered. "And the funny thing is, they told me the exact same thing a few weeks after they got home. So, there's the truth. I don't wanna get you hurt.

"Where does your Mima live?" Bruno asked. "North Carolina." I answered.

Bruno turned my face towards his. "Nothing is ever gonna stop me from loving you." He said. Then he kissed my forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too Bruno." I said as I squeezed him with my hug.

"How about we take things slow." He said. "That would be great." I said. "Really great."

I looked at the clock. "Oh!" I said. "I gotta get you home. Its almost seven!"

"We better go then." Bruno laughed.


"Here we are." I smiled as I stopped at his place. "I'll see you later okay?"

"Alright." He said with a wave. "Later."

I drove off feeling something inside of me. It was some type of emotion. Oh yeah, that's right. I know what it is....


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